Thursday, July 2, 2015

Kokachrome...and not by Paul Simon

I still have some 35 mm film

     Yes, I have a film camera too.....someplace.  We packed it when we moved from Skare Court, and I have not seen it since.  But I know it is here someplace.
     I thought about that today while looking at pictures on Facebook.  A friend is on vacation, and her boyfriend has a camera.  On the strap there is a 35 mm film cartridge.  I almost fainted!
     Hardly anyone uses film anymore.  It's all digital.
     I love the film process.  You really have to think about the picture, compose it, check the lighting and then click.
     With a digital, all you have to do is hold down the button and the camera just clicks away.
     Our first trip to Europe, I took 10 rolls of film.  That is about 360 pictures.   On my first time with a digital camera, I took 1,200 pictures!
     And of what?  Six pictures of a door that didn't move or change in the entire time I was watching it?
     14 pictures of Charlie Chaplin's statue?
     With film, I would have taken one or two of each.
     And now phones make is so anyone can be a photographer.  No need to worry about f stops, shutter speed, or the optimum setting for the film you are using.  Just point and shoot.
     That explains why I took 7 pictures of a stationary object the other day.....I could have taken one.
     With film, I always took two in case one of the frames was flawed.  Now I don't have to worry and can take as many as I want.
     The one thing in common: storage.
     I used to get pictures developed and I put them in shoe boxes, like Paul Powell.  (Digression.  Paul Powell was Illinois Secretary of State when I was a kid.  When he died, they found shoe boxes full of money and checks in his hotel closet....something like $800,000 in cash.  When asked about how a guy making $30,000 could amass such a fortune, another pol said "He was frugal when he was young.")
     Now instead of putting them in shoe boxes, they are on my computer. As of today, I have 12,580 pictures and 120 videos stored on my computer!  That's a lot of pictures!!  I thought I had three or four videos....I have 120!
     Holy negative, Batman!
     Plus I have two plastic tubs of shoe boxes filled with pictures.  And my mom's pictures.  And my dad's pictures.  Even some of my uncle's!  Holy crap, what should I do with them all?
     It's too much for me to consider.  Think I'll just sleep on it....and take some more pictures tomorrow.
    You never know when a moment needs capturing.

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