Friday, July 10, 2015

noooooooo....not again!

I am 0-5 in Cubs games this year

     No wins.  Only losses.  Another frustrating one today as the good guys lost to the gooder guys 1-0.
     The Sox score without a hit.  The Cubs hit into 6 double plays.  Go figure.  The bats have to come alive, don't they?
    Highlights of the day?
     Lunch.  I had a Cuban sandwich at the Decade Diner under right field.  Pork, ham, bacon, cheese, a spicy sauce, all served on a funny kind of flat bread whose name I forgot.  The sandwich was huge!  It is normally $12.50, but because we got to the park early, it was $9.40.  It was goooooood!

     People continue to amaze me.  When we were sitting in our seats, waiting for the game to start, some guy started yelling, "Melissa, I love you."  He was a pretty big least 300 pounds.  I am not exaggerating.
    Anyway, he was bellowing this right behind us.  She kept yelling back, "I love you too." She was sitting about 6 rows down in our section.
     At first it was cute.
     Then he yelled out, "I  gotta go to the bathroom."
     And proceeded to stagger toward the men's room.
     Stagger.....because at 2:30 he was so drunk he could barely walk.
     Ten minutes later I decided to hit the can before the game started.  When I came out, he was standing by the railing and in a soft, but audible voice, was saying," Shit. O shit" over and over and over.
     He eventually must have remembered where his beloved Melissa was sitting, because he started to go down the stairs while carrying another beer.  He rocked a little on the first step.  Rocked a little more on the third step.  and fell on the fourth step, spilling beer down his front.
     Once he was able to get back up, he went back to his seat......which was in the middle of the row.
     Picture a 300 pounder unsteady on his feet inching past 8 people sitting or standing and you can get a mental image that is a little disturbing.
     They were sitting for less than 5 minutes when Melissa decided she had to go.  She was as blottooed as he was and she was either very fat, or pregnant.....we could not tell.
     So she makes her way out and teeters up the stairs.
     Meanwhile, everybody sits down and the big guy decides he needs to go someplace, and he gets up to leave and everybody is up again.
     The guy two rows in front of us turned to a security guy and pointed to the rather large man gingerly making his way up the stairs.   Security nodded and followed the guy.
     Long about the second inning, another security guy came, went to where the happy couple was sitting, picked up a bag and passed us.
     I asked if they were coming back.  The security man said they had been escorted out of the yard but had bought t shirts and wanted them, so he was getting the t shirts.
     Tickets for this game were $65.  They spent $130 on tickets....and never saw a pitch!
     Can you imagine the conversation with family and friends?
     "So Bill, how was the game?"
     "Gee, I don't remember...we got wasted before the first pitch and got thrown out!  But hey, they were good seats.  I think."
      "Gee Bill, you are even dumber than I thought!"

Anyway...a couple of more Wrigley pics...
Coming in the main gate

Scorecards, get your scorecards

A view through the fence

Standings and wind direction, a two fer!

Fans are unaware of giant behind them

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