Friday, May 31, 2024

mixed emotions

 Today was Johanna's celebration of life

    Events like this are bittersweet, 

    We gather to mourn the loss of a loved one.  And we gather to give strength to those left behind.  And we gather to remember, and even laugh, with one another as a community.

    I am willing to bet that almost every one there has an "if only I had" moment or two.. Or three.  Or 10.  If only I had called her.  If only I had dropped in to visit.  If only I had sent a text or a card or a message.

    I know I have had those moments. 

    I was not close to Johanna.  But I truly liked her.  

    If I go again....she could have seen the people who came to mourn her, celebrate her, and grieve her today.  She would have been happy.

    Suicide is such a difficult topic.  Do you discuss it?  Do you hide it?   How do you overcome the anger and the hurt you feel from it?  The last is important, because everyone there felt one of those emotions, some even both.

    With the bitter comes the sweet

    Our nieces came to the memorial.  Laurie was found by husband Ron and Cindy was joined by Samantha. My sister in law, my best friend,  friends of me and my family, dozens of VCCT people, and of course Johanna's mother and her wife, Camryn's mom and her step dad, and Camryn's friends and even people she worked with in the Sycamore schools. 

    We talked.  We laughed. We cried.

    Afterwards a group of us went to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner, because that was Johanna's favorite restaurant.

    When we were done eating,  no one seemed overly eager to leave.  

    Even dog Beth was good.  She had never been left alone for so long, or had supper delayed so late as she did today.  And there was no mess to clean.  

    If you know someone who needs help, check on them. Urge them to take care of themselves and get help.  No problem it too big that it can't be solved.  

    And that's another if only.

Peace and Love


Thursday, May 30, 2024

Sorry for the noise

 I dug out my burdock tonight

    I started with one shovel.  Then another.  And another.

    I found someone with a backhoe.

    Finally, I took 36 sticks of TNT and lit it, causing a cosmic boom and flinging the burdock 50 feet in the air, raining down green, slimey juice on the 478 bystanders that paid $5 to watch.

    You are right...I am exaggerating.  I only used 35 sticks.

    Holy crap!  That was one hard plant to dig out!

    I just hope the root I got was all of the root, otherwise the sucker will come back.  I think that is what happened last year.

    The good dentist said as soon as my insurance tells him what is covered, we can schedule my extraction.  Tooth extraction, to be clear.

    I told him I wanted gas, and plenty of it.

    He said no problem.

    But, and there are always big butts, there are  2 issues.I  have to deal with.  I can't eat or drink anything for 6 hours prior to the procedure.   6 hours!!!  I don't know if I can do that and not pass out from hunger.

    The second thing is I can't do any lifting for 1 day.

    I lift Jackie out of bed, onto the toilet, off the toilet, onto the shower, bench, off the can see the problem.

    Julia and Emily can do part of that, but Julia and Emily both work and there is no guarantee they will be free when the lifting needs to be done.

    So we will have to hire a caretaker to take care of her while I take care of me.

    We can't do that until a surgery date is scheduled.

    I will have to eat soft food for a while and avoid hot beverages until my mouth is back to normal.

    I went up to Rockford tonight to meet Emily at Johanna's place.  We loaded dog crates into both vans and brought them to Emily's.

    Johanna stored crates for the rescues and if there are not at least 20 crates then call me Mr. Math.  Those things are not exactly light either.  At least some of them are not.

    They are looking for someone with a pickup or trailer that can help Camryn take her bed and dresser back to Sycamore.  If that fits your job description, please let me know.

    That's it for me today, in more ways than one.

Peace and Love

Wednesday, May 29, 2024


    Silly nme.  I thought, plant natives.  Don't worry  about them.  The garden will prosper.

    Wrong, wild onion breath!

    I do need to weed.  And dig.  And do it often.

    I have been pulling thistles and grass recently.

    Today I Googled this little gem.

The leaves are huge!  at least 18 inches or more!

As you can see, the leaves are huge!  The plant is huge!!

        I seem to think I dug it up last year, but now I am not sure.

        Anyway, it looks a little like rhubarb but it isn't.  It is a non native invasive plant named Burdock.

        It can be used in a couple of ways, like in a tea or as a medicinal plant....but I am not going to do that.

        I will dig it out tomorrow and hope it does not come back.

    While I was working on the natives, I took a few minutes to lay on my back and look at the clouds.

    Big mistake.

    When I got up, I felt sick to my stomach and had a massive headache.

    This has happened to me a couple of times before, and I don't understand why.  I lay in bed on my back, and don't feel that  way when I get up.

    Maybe I need a pillow outside..  Or, maybe I shouldn't lay on my back.

    Today I took a big gamble and put away our winter hats, gloves, and scarves.  I don't think we will be needing them anymore.

    I actually thought of just leaving them, since we are only 4 months until fall, but I figured the summer hat collection is more useful.

    Tomorrow I go to the doc who is going to yank my tooth.  It is a consult visit, but I am still nervous.  I also have to go pick up my hearing aid, which wasn't broken after all.  I have the feeling I am going to learn lots of new things.

    Peace and Love


Tuesday, May 28, 2024

007 & 1/2

I have been reading James Bond novels lately 

    And it is affecting my life.

    I had a mission this morning.

    Shortly after the sun had broken over the horizon, casting the Earth in golden hues, I set off on my mission.

    Birds were chirping.  The wind was gently pushing chilly, spring air into my face.

    I readied my vehicle and did a last minute check of all my equipment.

    Then I started out.

    First, I cased the neighborhood where the target was located.  No one seemed about.  I checked my rear view mirror often to see if I was being followed.  It seemed clear.

    I noiselessly cruised to the target.  No Beatles were playing.  I was in radio silence.

    I stopped.  I surveyed the scene.  No witnesses.

    I calmly and cooly opened the hatch on the vehicle and nonchalantly walked to the rear.

    Grabbing a last look around, I was stunned to see a car coming down the street.  I turned my head and positioned my body to hid the license plate.  Were they police?  Counter spies?  Russians?

    After they passed, I grabbed the bags of lawn waste and carefully stacked them in the driveway.

    One Two  Three Four....... mission completed.

    I looked around once more and saw I was undetected.

    I calmly and slowly returned home.

    After every mission an agent needs rest.  I looked at the clock.  It was barely 7.  I went back to bed and slept until 11.

    Yes!  11 a.m.!!!

    Usually I drop my yard waste off at night,,,.,but I always feel like a criminal.  I check the street, I look for traffic, I don't make noise. 

    That's what I did tonight.

    I had 8 bags of yard waste.  I don't have a yard waste pickup available.  So I take it to friends' houses in town.

    But I always feel like I am doing something wrong.  And maybe I am.  But they are paying for the service and don't always have waste, so I am making up for the times they don't have waste

    Now, I am going back to Diamonds are Forever.  Or to bed, not sure which yet.

Peace and Love

Monday, May 27, 2024

master gardener?

 I seem to have gotten less knowledgeable about plants

    Back in the day, I could rattle off names of plants.  I could even identify most of the native plants found in our area.

    One time I was on a field trip with an outdoor ed class.  It was late fall, and we were walking through a prairie.  

    Some of the plants had already dropped their leaves.

    I found a particularly attractive vine with little or white, I don't remember.  I picked a couple and went to your instructor and said "Sonia, what are these berries?"

    "Poison ivy!"  was the reply.

    The oils are still active in the fall, but luckily I did not develop a rash.

    Last fall I had some really big plants in part of my native garden.  I did not like them.  I asked people what they were, and I got a variety of answers.  One was a native sunflower.  I just did not like them, so I pulled several of them.

    There were about 15.....which would have been strange because I don't remember buying 15 plugs of any one kind.  So I sort of think they were weeds, even though they had flowers.

    This year that area of the garden is full of little plants.

    At first, 2 weeks ago, I thought "great, a million sunflowers I don't want."

    I wish that were the case.

    As the plants grew, I recognized them as.......thistle.  A lot of thistle.  A damn lot of thistle.

    I have been digging it out but have barely made a dent in the thistle population.

    I need the cavalry to come to the rescue!

    Thistle is hard to get rid of.  If you don't get the root, it comes back.  It sends out side roots that sprout new plants, so there is a lot of mucking about in the dirt.  Plus you have to have gloves, otherwise you get stuck.

    I'll attack it a little at a time.  By the time football season starts, I may have it under control.

Peace and Love

Sunday, May 26, 2024

changing times

 I have always loved newspapers

    When I was in seventh grade, at least I think it was seventh, I inherited a paper route.

    This was a little different type of route.  It was in a factory.

    I would handle  the Daily News and Chicago American.  The papers sold for 7 cents.  I paid 5 cents, so I made 2 cents on every paper.

    Actually I made more because lots of times people would just give me a dine and not take change.  When the papers raised their prices to 10 cents, they charged me 7 and while I made more money per paper, I lost that 3 cent tip. 

    I would set up a little table at both entrances to the factory and when the workers left, they could buy an evening edition.

    I also delivered papers throughout the factory, leaving them at desks in the office area.

    What the route did was give me money for nickel Cokes, greasy French fries, doughnuts  and eventually for college.

     It was a good gig.  

    The guy who delivered the Daily News was a big guy named Swede.  I think.  Time dims memories.  He would have me work on his truck one day a week, stuffing newspapers and also hopping off the truck to deliver papers to various news stands.

    News stands.   Most are gone now.  There was one on Ashland and Irving.  It was a shack built out of whatever the people could scrounge .  I think his name was Jin.....skinnyy man, balding, wore glasses, ....I would also work for him at times.  I would sit in the news stand and sell newspapers and racing forms.  It was right next to a bus stop, and he did a good business.

    But times have changed.

    Daily News?  Gone.  Chicago American? Gone.  News stands?  Mostly gone.

    Newspapers?  Disappearing.

    The Chicago Tribune recently moved its printing operation from a building downtown to a smaller facility in the suburbs.

    In reporting on the move, they noted in 2000 the plant was printing about 600,000 daily Tribs and 1.2 million Sunday editions.  In 2023 they were printing 73,000 daily papers and 172,000 Sunday editions.

    We all know what has happened.  People are getting their information in different ways:  on line, on tv, on social media, all sorts of different places.

    I read the Tribune on line.  But I miss the feel of a real paper, the way it crinkles in your hand, the smell of the page and ink, the ability to do a crossword or cut out coupons. And the ability to take it in the can.

    But as Dylan said, the times they are a changing.

    But I don't have to like it, do I?

Peace and Love

Saturday, May 25, 2024


Some times it is not my fault 

    Jackie's sister did not get her birthday card.

    Her birthday was April 19.  I mailed the card April 12.  It did not arrive April 19...or 20...or 21 or ever.

    See if you can guess the questions based on my response.

    Yes, I am sure I mailed it.

    No it is not in the car.

    Yes I looked under the seats.

    I admit,  I do have a problem, sometimes, with minor tasks.  Yes, I have forgotten to mail a card or 2.  Yes, I can't back up a golf cart in the garage.  Yes I lose my glasses/keys/wallet/phone at least once a day.

    And yes, I have forgotten to take things with when I go places.  Julia had a document to take to the bank.  I was going to the bank.  I took the document, gave Jackie her sweatshirt, put in my hearing aids and drove to Emily's to let out the dogs.  It was there I discovered I did not have the document.

    No, it was not in the car.  Yes, I looked under the seats.

    I went back home and backtracked my steps but could not find it.

    Jackie finally said, "What's that on the chair"

    And there it was.  

    Since I am incapable of doing 2 things at  one time, I must have set it down to pick up the sweatshirt.

    But, I digress.

    Today was May 25.  I went to get the mail and behold!  The birthday card was returned to us!

    There is a little yellow sticker that says unable to deliver as addressed.  No forwarding address.

    I showed it to Jackie.  She looked at it and the address looks fine.

    The card's stamp isn't even cancelled.

    It took over 35 days to go from the post office in downtown Rochelle to our mailbox. I am just baffled.

    The good thing is, I am off the hook!  I did everything right!  This time, at least.


    Thanks to everyone who has reached out to Emily or me about Johanna.  Lots of stuff to do at this point.  Lots of questions on how to get things done.  

    But Emily, Camryn and Shannon, Camryn's mom, are all working on it.

    There's a long way to go.

Peace and Love

Friday, May 24, 2024


We are still in a bit of shock 

    Johanna's death is too new to comprehend.

    In case you don't know, Emily and John were married.  After a few years, John realized he was not living the life that he wanted.

    So he began the journey to Johanna.

    They divorced.  but remained close friends, good friends.  Johanna would help Emily when it came to dogs, and Emily would do the same.  They would go to events together.  

    Johanna was active in VCCT, taking care of lights and sound as well as appearing on stage and even directing.

    And she often was our go to computer person.

    Camryn, Johanna's daughter with his first wife, is our grandchild.  

    The hurt we all feel, but especially Camryn and Emily, is raw.

    Right now we are all dealing with the details that come with a death.  And looking for answers to questions.

    I don't think this will be an easy journey, but one we all have to take.  Any help you can give to make  this journey easier would be appreciated.

Peace and Love

Thursday, May 23, 2024

no words

 I can't think of anything to say

Johanna, Emilys ex and Camryn's dad, passed away unexpectedly today.

Please keep Johanna's family and ours in your prayers.  We are all devastated.

Peace and Love

Wednesday, May 22, 2024


 Timing seems off these days

    I planted our veggie garden today.  That is something I usually have done before Mother's Day.  I just kept putting it off until I discovered I bought peas, and they don't like hot weather.  They need to be planted early.  Uh oh.

    Tonight I had Beth out about 9 and she suddenly took off like a shot and came to a sudden stop.  She had seen something.  So I kept my eyes on the area around her and I finally saw.......lightning bugs!!

    I always associate those fascinating creatures with mid summer, and it is actually still spring.  

    And I saw more than one!  In my yard, and in the neighbors.....there were several twinkling lights.

    But no cicadas.  We don't have any big trees here, so none have appeared.  And I don't hear any in the park, where there are big trees.

    My next challenge is to figure out hoses.  I have timers to water the veggies, but I have to find the correct length hose to hook to the timers.  I think I rolled all my hoses onto one reel, so I may have to unwind them tomorrow.

    Honestly, I hate hoses.  They curl, crinkle, bind, leak, and in general are a pain in the ass.  But I do want to keep the veggies watered so when we have a total breakdown in society the Dickow household will have carrots.

    I had some numbers from the Tribune, but I can't seem to find what I wrote down.  I thought it was pretty darn interesting.  Maybe I can find them tomorrow.

Peace and Love

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

tis the truth!

I know why the Cubs have had so many injuries 

    This is a baseball post.  If you don't like baseball, you may not like this.

    I have a friend, who shall remain nameless, who told me what happened in Milwaukee when Craig Counsell was hired as Cubs manager.

    As you know, Counsell was a life time Wisconsin resident and a crowd favorite...until he signed a huge contract with the Cubs.

    The night after the contract was signed, 56, 665 fans met at the ballpark.  They had a voodoo priest in attendance. 

    That person produced a bear doll and told the crowd that he would stick pins in the doll from time to time and a Cub would be hurt.

    The crowd cheered loudly!

    Then they began the chant:  "Cubs Suck.  Cubs Suck."  You know the drill.

    The chanting went on for 6 hours!  Men and women were hoarse by the end.  Children were crying.  The Sausages slumped to the ground in pain and agony from wearing those costumes for so long.  Bucky Beaver, or whatever its name is, ended up with leg cramps from going down the slide 2, 544 times. A record at the park.

    Now, if you ask someone about it they will deny it ever happened.  They were sworn to secrecy by placing heir hand on a picture of Aaron Rogers and pledging never to reveal what was said or done that night.

    Some of you may scoff at this.....but you can not prove it did not happen, can you?

    Remember, you heard it from me first.

    Strange weather night.

    We had an alarm that there was a severe storm with 60+ mile per hour winds heading towards us from Dixon, and we got nothing. 

    The air is thick with blowing dirt, and at dusk there was a haze like quality.  Its was a gritty haze.

    I worked in the veggie garden today but the wind eventually beat me and I had to quit.

    We do need the rain.

    We are in a tornado watch until midnight....which means I will be playing a lot of solitaire.

Peace ad Love

Monday, May 20, 2024

how much?

 I had a case of sticker shock today

    When I plant my veggie gardens, I always throw in some mushroom compost, manure, and manure and compost.

    It builds the soil. Makes it richer.  Produces better weeds.

    In town there are 3 places I go to in order to buy it.  I go with the cheapest price.

    I went to a hardware store and mushroom compost was $7.94 a bag.  Manure was $6.78.

    I have never paid that much!

    Especially for manure, which is basically cow shit.  How can cow shit be in short supply?  There are cows all over the place!

    (One year a circus came to town.  They had elephants.  They were giving the shit away! People were hauling it away in anything they could carry it in.  Must be good stuff.)

    So I went to the next place.  They didn't have either product.  Nor did the third store.

    Now, maybe I could drive to DeKalb. or Rockford and buy it, but I would use at least 2 gallons of gas, which is also expensive.

    Julia suggested using Beth's droppings, but I did that once around some trees with our first dog and those trees died.

    Plus I would not be comfortable working in the garden with dog doo everywhere.


    So, no mushroom compost or manure in the garden this year.  The plants will just have to work harder.

    My veggie garden will have sweet corn this year.  A person I know said I should put a radio in the garden and leave it on.  That will keep away deer and raccoons.  

    With my luck, that will draw them and they will have big dance parties as they munch my sweet corn.

    It has been a good week so far today.  Did not destroy the garage with the golf cart.  Did not lose my hearing aids.  And the Cubs did not lose today.

    Hope I can say all that tomorrow night.

Peace and Love

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Lordy, Lordy

 I really don't know where to start

    So, this may be a little disjointed.

    First off, we got up late.  I mean, late.  I shut the alarm off at 8:45 and when the cuckoo struck 10, I guess I fell back asleep.

    10:45.  That's when we got up.

    Holy crap.

    I planned to mow and plant flowers.  If you have not noticed a pattern, most of my plans involve planing flowers and trimming bushes.

    I mowed.  Took longer than I hoped because I had to clean the mower deck. before I started.

    Finished mowing, hosed off the mower deck, and was ready to start planting when the subject of supper came up.  It was about 4:30. 

    We decided bratwurst.  But we had to go buy them. And buns.

    No big deal.  I had some yard waste to drop off at a friend's, I just dropped it off earlier than I usually do.  And usually is after dark, like a stealth burglar except I am leaving things, not taking them.

    After supper, around 7 or so, I headed out to plant the damn flowers.  But I went to put my hearing aids in so I could listen to music while I worked.

    There was only 1 hearing aid in the dock.

    I looked on the counter, under the counter, in the den, bathroom, bedroom, table on the deck.....nowhere.

    Julia and I went through drawers, papers, bags.....nothing.

    To say I was upset would be an understatement.

    So far I have smashed the garage door, bought a lot, have ordered too many specialty coffees and have spent a fortune.  I did not need to spend another fortune to replace my hearing aids.

    I was depressed.  And angry at myself.

    I took out the garbage, put on a pair of vinyl gloves, and sorted through the kitchen debris. 

    No hearing aid.

    Future garbologists examining our trash would think we ate out a lot and liked pizza and pasta dishes.  We do.

    Julia finally said to give her my phone.  She pumped up the volume on the phone and hearing aids and slowly made her way around the house.


    Disgusted, I went out to clean up. the debris from the driveway and look for dog poop that might have a hearing aid in it.

    I was putting a shovel full of yard waste  into another paper bag when she opened the door and said to come in.

    She heard music!!  

    Standing in the pantry, she could hear the Beatles.

    She asked me, "Can you hear it?"

    I said if I could hear it I would not need hearing aids.

    She found it on a shelf.

    One of 2 things happened.

    Either it got stuck to a bag she put on the shelf or I had it in my hand when I went to get Beth a supper treat.  I had to have put it down to open the  treat bag.

    I do believe I put it there. I remember wanting to put the hearing aids in while I ate supper, and I must have set it on the shelf.  

    And forgotten it.

    And that, my friends, is the scary part.

    I hugged Julia and thanked her for finding it.  

    And I kicked myself for not keeping track of it.

    I still have the plants to plant.

Peace and Love

Saturday, May 18, 2024

eh day

 I think summer arrived today

    I  went out and the car temperature read 87 degrees.  I thought that was  hot for May, but what do I know?

    Anyway, I got some things done today, even some that were on my list.

    One thing I did that was not on my list was bring up my summer clothes and pack up my winter clothes.

    Now, these are not the ones that hang in the closet, but the flannel pajamas, sweatshirts, and things like that that I won't need for a few months.

    Here is where I have another problem.  I probably have 50 t shirts!  Every time I go to toss one, I rethink it and put it away.

    Some hang in the closet.  Others take up 2 drawers in the dresser.  Still others are stuffed on a shelf in the closet because they are wear outside to work shirts.

    I have t shirts from plays I have been in, places I have visited, places the kids have visited, and just some weird shirts.  I have a glow in the dark shirt from a radio show we sent to at least 20 years ago.  I never wear it.  but it is neat because it glows!

    And when I retired from teaching I had a picture of the class printed on a t shirt and had the kids sign it.  I have never worn the shirt.  Ever.  I have been out 16 years!!

    Every shirt has some kind of emotional attachment.  A memory.  A place in my life.

    But holy crap!  I need to cull the t-shirt herd.

    What I should do is take one a day and either wear it or toss it.

    But I have a Beatles shirt I wear when it rains, and a Cubs shirt or 3 when they play, and plain shirts when I am bored.   I can't toss any of them.

    And plays?  Places I have gone?  Shirts from the girls?

    Nope.  Can't let them go.

    However, I did toss 1 red t shirt.  I think it looked old and too worn. 

    Small steps.  Small steps.

Peace and Love

What is this on the driveway? aunts came over to visit!

It was a dark and storm afternoon

Friday, May 17, 2024


This was one of.those days 

    I had my mind set on getting 4 things done:  mow the field, plant the bluish pots on the porch; put up the windmill; plant my mojito mint.

    I told Jackie I was going to start at 1 and work until I was finished.

    I did not anticipate Beth waking me up at 4:45 to go out.  It was early, but also eerie!  The fog crept on big cat feet during the night and visibility was pretty poor.

    I fell back asleep until 7:30, when Jackie woke me up because she had to use the bathroom.

    That's when my day fell apart.

    My routine is:  put on my slippers, put on my belt, get the transport chair, swing her from the bed to the chair.

    Well.....3 out of 4 ain't bad!

    We missed the chair and she went down onto the floor.

    It was a gentle fall and my fault because I did not lock the chair.  I was tired and not thinking clearly.

    Julia was working and I got her to help.  We lifted Jackie up, I held her, and Julia pushed the chair under  her.

    To be honest, I was upset with myself and very tired.

    I was too keyed up to go back to bed, so we got ready for the day.

    My routine is tea, breakfast, and read the paper.

    When I got done with the paper my eyes were pretty heavy, so I fell asleep in my chair until about 12.

    I had some errands to run:  bank, Aldi's, Walgreen's, other bank to get our license sticker renewed, and of course, Cypress House for a pick me up.

    I did not start mowing until sometime after 3.  Then I clogged the mower and had to clean it off.  Then I clogged the mower AGAIN and had to clean it off.

    Mulching mowers do not handle long grass very well.  So I mowed at the field t a high height.  It does not look good, but it is mowed.  

    After mowing I started to plant the pots but I just felt sick.  I think it was a combination of the heat, the bumpy field, and not having any liquids. 

    So I quit for the day.  Which was fine because it was 6.

    I swear, the older I get (which is daily) the longer it takes me to do things!

    15 years ago I would have k nocked all those chores off in an afternoon.  Now I have put them off until Saturday.

    But at least I won't have to spend time mowing.  That is a blessing.

    Hopefully tomorrow I will get the pots planted, the last 4 bushes trimmed, the windmill up, and the plants I bought for the slope and natural area planted.  But....and there is always a big butt.....tomorrow is the plant sale at. the nursery in Creston and I have a few plants on my list.  

    Hopefully I will get my plant shopping and work done.

    Maybe I'll even have some wine tomorrow night to celebrate.

Peace and Love

Thursday, May 16, 2024

bad dog

 I think the honeymoon is over

    Dog Beth is now going into my off limits flower bed in the front of the house.

    Corki never did that!  Beth started going in there today, I think.

    There may be a rabbit living in there, which is the draw.  I saw a baby bunny hop across the porch the other day and it was heading to the flower patch.

    And today she started digging a hole in the back yard!  She has been here a year and never dug anything.  But today, she started a hole.

    So much for the honeymoon period.

    I don't know if there is a ground squirrel in that area, but that is the only reason I can think of for her to dig.  I will investigate tomorrow.

    Did not get the bushes trimmed today...too many errands!  Maybe tomorrow.

Peace and Love

Our Miss Kim do I trim it back?

My small hosta area in some dutchmen's  britches....if I remember correctly

Too bad the dianthus don't last longer than they do.  I try deadheading them, but very few rebloom.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024


 I am really tired tonight

    I actually worked today!

    I trimmed around the yard before I mowed. 

    Mowing was a problem.

    I went about 10 feet and the mower started to die.  When I stopped, huge bunches of grass came off the mower.

    So I took it into the driveway, got on my back and found the underside was packed with wet grass.  I mowed the field the other day and it was wet.  I didn't clean off the mower, which is normal for me.  Not cleaning the mower that is.

    As I am laying on the driveway, scraping away, neighbor Jim came along and offered to put the front end of the mower  on a hoist and lift it up, making it easier and more efficient to scrape.

    So we did.

    The funny thing is, I am standing there, with a scraper in my pocket, watching him scrape!  It suddenly dawned on me I should be scraping too.

    We finished and had a nice chat and I went back to mow.  At that point Jackie needed me, so I went into the house to help her.  I made her lunch and the phone rang.  It was a Prudential insurance agent for the Pru Review we had set for 3, I thought. 

    He chad to  back because I was in the middle of something.

    Every time I think of life insurance I think of George Bailey as he says, "I'm worth more dead than alive!"

    Our policies have a double or triple payment if we die in an accident.  So if I have a heart attack the kids have to load me in a car and park me on the railroad tracks'

    Anyway, I finally got mowing.  

    Next it was trimming the bushes in front.  Man, that almost killed me!  My back was throbbing after 2 bushes and there are 15 in total.

    After finishing bush 11, I quit because I was in pain.  By the time I cleaned up, hosed the mower down, filled the bird feeders and put my stuff away it was 8:30.  My back hurts and my shoulder hurts.  Did I mention I was tired?

    I know it doesn't sound like a lot, but I am really tired tonight.  Just thought I would emphasize that.

Peace and Love

Tuesday, May 14, 2024


 Oh no, another ramble about nothing

    I got an e mail from cousin Bob in New York.  He sent some funnies along, and I am going to copy a couple of them.

    My daughter went to a Mexican fast food and ordered a taco. She asked the person behind the counter for minimal lettuce. He said he was sorry, but they only had iceberg lettuce.

    That. reminds me of a time I stopped at a sandwich shop.  The guy behind the counter asked if I wanted pickles, and I said I did not eat cucumbers.  He told me they were not cucumbers, they were pickles.  I still passed, but hoped one day he realized pickles were just cucumbers in vinegar.  And if asked today, I would take the pickles because I do like cucumbers, sort of.

    My husband and I went through the McDonald's drive thru window and I gave the cashier a $5 bill. Our total was $4.25, so I also handed her 25c.

She said, 'You gave me too much money.'

I said, 'Yes I know, but this way you can just give me a dollar back.'

She sighed and went to get the manager who asked me to repeat my request.

I did so, and he handed me back the 25 cents, and said 'We're sorry but we don't do that kind of thing.'

The cashier then proceeded to give me back 75 cents in change.

    Again, as crazy as that sounds I did the same thing!  My bill was like $4.25, and I gave them a $5 and a quarter.  The person ended up giving me 75 cents back along with the quarter, saying it was only $4.25, not $5.25.

    We have all heard similar stories, people who want their pizza cut into 6 slices because they could not eat 8, or who think 1/4 is bigger than 1/3 because 4 is bigger than 3.  

    Anyway, I was looking for paper hat prices (don't ask) at about 4:30 when my eyes got very heavy.  I moved to my chair and fell asleep.  Now I hope I can sleep tonight after my 1 hour afternoon nap.

    But darn it, it felt good.

    Tomorrow:  Chore Day!!!

Peace and Love

Monday, May 13, 2024


 My best laid plays often go astray

    I had a blood draw scheduled for today in DeKalb.  I keep saying DeKalb, but it is actually Sycamore.  Potato, pohtato..except that doesn't work in print.

    Anyway, I had 3 stops to make.  Paint store, big box hardware store, Target,  Bath and Body Works. and HyVee.  Um...that's 5.  Math was never my best subject.

    I went to Target because they have a $10 gift card of if buy 3 cleaning products.  We are almost out of detergent, so I figured get 3 and save $10.  But they did not have the scent Jackie prefers, so I came out empty handed.

    Bath and Body works was fine, except I could not find one of the scents she wanted in soap.  I did not come out empty handed.  (Digression:  The store is in a strip mall that is almost deserted.  There is a store at one end, then empty, empty, empty, empty, store, empty.)

    Paint store was fine.  The people remember my name, and I have not decided if that is good or not.

    The Loew's stop was non productive.  I need sone trim paint for a little touching up from where I took out the garage door.  We found the color, but he asked if I wanted flat, satin or sheen finish.  I had no idea.   So I did not buy any paint.  I think it is satin, but it may be a flat.  Will it matter?

    I only bought cereal, yogurt and some crackers at the grocery store.

    I started all this at about 2, after Miriam had done an excellent job of pulling out 98 vials of my life juices.   Well,  maybe not 98.  

    I did not get home until 4:40 or so.

    Now, I did not dawdle too much, although it took e a while to find a rose bush for a container while I was at Lowe's.  It just took so much time!  

    I did make an unscheduled stop.  There is a dog food store near HyVee and I went down to get some special treats since today is Beth's birthday.

    When I got home I was going tp plant and trim, but it poured.  And poured.  And poured.

    So I did nothing.  Third day in a row.

    Maybe tomorrow.

Peace and Love

Sunday, May 12, 2024

something smells

And I really love the smell! 

    We have a Miss Kim lilac bush planted just off the patio.

    Now, Miss Kims are supposed to be small.  But this one is gigantic!  And it is loaded with blooms.

    We have a couple of windows open and the breeze has been blowing the smell into the house all day.  I just love it.

    One of the best trips Jackie and I used to take was to Mackinaw Island right after school was out.  It was lilac time there and the island is full of beautiful bushes, which give off a heavenly scent.  I loved sitting on the porch of the Metevier Inn and watching life slowly pass by, with the smells of lilacs and a horse barn mixing in the air.  Cindy's stables, if I remember correctly.  It has been 15 years or so since we went.

    The problem I have is our bush needs to be trimmed back to a more manageable size.  If you cut a lilac bush, it will not produce flowers on that branch the following season.  I hope to prune back about 1/3 of the plant so next year we will still have some scents.  And flowers.

    I just hope I don't kill it.

    A happy mothers' day....or Mother's Day.

    Emily, Julia, Jackie and I had some grilled steaks and sweet corn for supper.  It was pretty good, and surprisingly the corn was good.  I did not expect that.  The girls brought hanging baskets for the porch and they are beautiful.

    Thank you for all the birthday wishes. 

    I even got to see the Northern Lights last night!  I took Beth out about 10:30 and the sky was a greenish blue.  I know there were better displays earlier in the night, but I missed them.  

    I did not do anything again today.  I even took a nap!  

    It just felt good.

Peace and Love

I admit...these are not very good.  But it is proof I saw them.  

Saturday, May 11, 2024

another year older

Just me and a Terra Ma Sue

 I don't buy this 70s is the new 60s

    Now that I am officially closer to 80 than 70, I have some observations.

    The older you get, the harder it is to get up off the ground after you drop a bunch of change when taking off your pants.

    The older you get, the harder it is taking off your pants.

    The older you get, the less people appreciate you walking around without pants.

    Explain that to me, please.  Mickey Mouse is about 100 and he does not wear pants.  Neither does Donald Duck nor Clark, the Cubs mascot.  If they can get away with it, why can't I?

    The only room I seem to remember why I am entering is the bathroom.  And yesterday I may have peed in the garbage can, I am not sure.

    Strangely, I seem to remember names better these days.  I saw someone and called him Mike, another person I said Hello Mary......I don't know if those are their names, in fact I don't even know if I knew them, but I am remembering names.

    I took the day off today.  No chores at all, except doing our sheets and towels.  Yes, they still have to be folded, but they are done.

    I looked for Northern Lights last night but did not see them.  Everyone in Illinois seems to have seen them, but not me.  It was as if a cloud settled over my house and refused to move.  At one point, I was even rained on!  Maybe tonight.

    We went out to dinner tonight, Julia, Emily, Jackie and me.  Nice Italian place in Dixon. 

    One problem.  Julia made reservations and told them one person was in a wheelchair.  When we got there, they seated us in the middle of the dining area!   All was well until we left and they had to move 3 tables to make a path to the door.  I don't understand why they didn't seat us by the door, which would have made the most sense.  I felt bad for the people who had to stop eating and move.

    But the food was wonderful.  

    It was just great spending time with my family.  My girls mean the world to me and I never seem to have enough time with them.  Today was great.

    We drove out to see the bison at Nachusa and got home in time to watch the Cubs lose.  

    We do have birthday cookies, so if you want to stop out tomorrow afternoon, please do.

    But beware:  I might not have any pants on.

Peace and Love

Friday, May 10, 2024

Jose, can you see

Nature is a fickle thing, eh? 

    Massive solar storms, storms sending enough energy to make me get up off the couch.  Heading our way.

    Unplug your computers, don't plug in your phones tonight, watch out for ETs approaching.

    The end is near!

    Noting is certain but uncertainty.

    Well, I am here to tell you BALONY!

    There is one guarantee in life; When an amazing astronomical event is going to take place at night, my house will be under cloud cover.

    It happens during lunar eclipses, super moons, meteor showers and it is happening again tonight.

    With a high chance of seeing the Northern Lights, there are clouds in the sky.  Damn!  I actually predicted that as soon as the announcement was made that the Borealis might be visible  all the way down to Alabama!  

    Oh well.  I have a great picture of them on the wall where I am sitting, so I guess that will have to do.

    I read an article somewhere about a town in New England that is being pulled apart because of a public mural.

    The reason why one of the town leaders was vocal in opposition to the mural was because it contained an iris.  Yes, an iris.

    She said an iris is a dangerous symbol because Iris was the Greek goddess of the rainbow and the rainbow is a symbol of the LGBT movement.  Evidently using the iris in the mural was an attempt to indoctrinate young people into the clutches  of the LGBT community.

    Folks, I am not making that up.

    It is so scary it is funny.

    Then I was told there was a mural in Oregon, a small town just west of us, and that had to be altered because it featured a cigar, which could be construed as to promote smoking.  So the cigar was eliminated.

    Somewhere  I think there  is a mural that depicts the lack of common sense.  A lot of people must have been influenced by that one.

    I'm tired.  And I don't think sleep will help.

    I did 3 things on my list, but added 4.  It seems to grow the more I do. 

    Maybe I should just do less?  It's a puzzle, isn't it?

Peace and Love

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Wednesday the 13th?

 I am not superstitious, usually

    But today was one freakin strange day!

    First, it was closing day for the lot we bought.  

    We made arrangements for me to go with Jackie staying home.  Turns out the sellers had a mobility issue too, but that's to come.

    I got the check at the bank, had the papers with our signatures notarized, and went to the closing.

    I was ushered into a room.  That's when it got very strange.

    Usually at a closing we meet with the title person, sometimes the seller, their attorney, our's a room full.

    The nice lady from the title company came in and we chatted, she scooped up the paper work, and left.

    The attorney said the sellers were staying in the car.

     Thus began a seemingly endless parade of people going out to the car, back in, out, back in....the attorney joked that he should have roller skates, like at a drive in.

    All the while I sat in the room by myself.  I used the time to look at the historical maps of Illinois, including one that did not even show counties in the northern part of the state.

    I think it was an 1828 map on which the attorney  pointed out language saying only white males owning property could vote.  That was a sad look at our history.  I know, some people would rather facts like that not be made public or talked about in schools, but it is our history.

    Then I went to Cypress House for a coffee to celebrate.

    When I got home I looked at my list of about 20 things to do and started on them.

    One of the items was wrap the steaks I bought yesterday and put them in freezer bags.

    When I opened the fridge I discovered they leaked blood.  It leaked off the shelf, down the back, into the bottom was a mess.

    Here is where plans often go astray.

    When we built he house, we put in a French door refrigerator.  Somewhere along the line, the opening for the fridge fit the fridge exactly.  which is not good, because we can not open the right door all the way.

    Which means I can't simply slide out the bottom tray to clean it.

    I had to empty the bottom trays, take off the door trays, then shift the bottom shelf on a 45 degree angle and "walk" it out.

    I worked on cleaning that s.o.b. for over an hour.  I cussed, struggled, cussed again and finally, finally, got the shelf out, cleaned and back in. 

    Then I had to put everything else back in because I basically emptied the fridge.

    By 3:30 I had done 1 job on my list.  That was wrapping the steaks.

    Next task to tackle was replacing 3 burned out light bulbs.  Easy peasy except when you can't get the cover off because you finders don't work like the used to.

    After the second one, I noticed the fan vent was dusty, so I vacuumed that...which was not on my list either.  Then I did the return vent in our bedroom. .... also not on the list.

    Hopefully I can get more done off the list......I made it for today, tomorrow, and Saturday,  at which time the rain will finally stop.  I hope.

    As long as nothing bleeds, I will be ok.

Peace and Love

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

olio time

 Lots of things on my mind tonight

    Sometimes I look at things and wonder how.  Like, how does that work?  

    I also wonder who.  As in, who designed that?  Who had the idea for that?

    A couple of hundred years ago somebody decided they needed a better way to ground corn rather than pounding it with a rock.  Maybe they put the corn kernels between 2 rocks and smooshed the rocks back and forth.  Then they thought there had to be an easier way to do this and grist mills eventually came to be.

    But who figured out the wheels and cogs and gears and whatever else was needed?  Did the same person go into watch making?

    Everywhere I look I see human ingenuity, intelligence, and determination in the form of machines. 

    Anyway.  I always thought tornadoes didn't hit the same area twice.  But Barnsdal OK has been hit by 2 tornadoes in the past 5 weeks.  That's a lot for a town of 5,000 to deal with.

    Trip dementia Aukland.

    How would you respond to that?

    Emily was in DeKalb/Sycamore today and was stopping for her yearly dose of Ollie's.  I told her to try the mint chocolate chip but it came out Trip dementia Aukland.  Thank heavens I read it first.  Voice recognition isn't always accurate.

    Jackie had a doc appointment today, and we stopped at Ollie's for some custard.

    It was pretty busy.

    There was a group of 3 right ahead of me and I could tell. they had. never been to Ollie's before.

    When it was their turn to order, they had no idea.  They had at least 5 minutes to look at the listings, but had no clue.

    A person ahead of them ordered a whipped slushy or something, so the girl in the group said she would have one of those.  Then a guy asked for a vanilla with mango.  The employee said they did not have any mango this week.

    He paused, then asked. for a chocolate with mango.

    The employee said they did not have mango this week.

    He finally asked for a vanilla with strawberries over it.

    The third person, also a guy, looked the worker and said, "Vanilla and mango sounds good.  I'll have that."

    When he was told no mango  he became a little flustered because there were now several people in line.

    So he ordered two things.

    The funny thing was  all 3 of t hem tried to pay!  It was chorus of "I''m paying" and I am not really sure who did.

    I did have a problem.

    I attack ice cream and custard.  Jackie is a little more passive, preferring to lick the frozen delight in a more relaxed manner.

    Which explains why I was done with my cone when hers started dripping all over....shirt, seat, seatbelt, hands.  It was a mess.

    But that was still neater than mine.

    I broke the cone taking the paper wrapper off and ended up with the custard and broken cone in my hand! So in one hand I have part of the cone and in the other hand I have the bottom of the cone., both oozing custard through my fingers. 

    But you know what?  It still tasted great.

    Topping off the day, when I got home from my meeting I mowed the yard.  I just mowed Saturday, but it has really grown.

    Like my belly from frozen custard.

Peace and Love

Tuesday, May 7, 2024


 Sometimes plans just evaporate

    I had planned, for the last week, to go to Rockford today and return some shoes I bought.  They are too big.

    My hair has been getting a little long, so I called for a time.  That time was 1:30.  

    When I get my hair cut I have to rinse it right away, just to get the little hairs out and off my back.

    While I was leaving the barber shop, the weather radios were buzzing!  Severe Thunderstorm Warning, Tornado Watch, Hell Breaking Loose, all of the standard end of the world alarms.

    But looking north, I decided to not go because the sky was pitch black.  I mean Pitch Black.

    So after rinsing my head, I sat down and did a couple of tasks.

    Like, making an appointment with the oral surgeon and filling out the on line registration form, which took a loooong time.

    Then I placed a store pick up order for Walgreen's, because Jackie takes a vitamin that costs $30 and the on line offer was a 2 for 1.  

    So no Rockford and I have the shoes for another week.

    I have been using Emily's noise machine at night.  How well does it work?

    At about 9:45  this morning I went into the garage to take out the recycling.  My  VW sized garbage can was sitting there.

    My first thought was I forgot to take it out last night.

    But it was empty.

    Turns out the wind and thunder was terrible this morning and Julia went out and dragged in the can so it would not blow down the street.

    I slept through it all.  Slept like a baby.

    Guess the noise machine works.

Peace and Love

Monday, May 6, 2024


  I am a huge baby

    I know people who recently had pacemakers installed.  Folks who have gone through months of cancer treatments.  Shoulder repairs.  Hip replacements.  Knee replacements.  

    They have all faced it bravely.

    But me?

    Holy crap!  No way!!

    I had a dental appointment today and was told....the tooth has to go.  I have to have a chomper taken out.  By an oral surgeon.  

    It distresses me greatly.

    I don't think I was this worried when my prostate was taken out!  

    Like I said, a huge baby.

    I have not set up the appointment yet.  I imagine there will be a consult first, then. the extraction.  I have questions galore.  Can I lift Jackie afterwards?  What happens to the hole in my mouth?  How long before I can drink wine?

    I guess I could drink pink wine.  It is summer.  If my mouth is bleeding, no one will be able to tell because the wine is pink.

    Oh...that is gross.  Sorry.

    Last night at a bout 2 a.m. I got leg cramps.  In both legs.  At the same time.  

    I could not get out of bed because my legs were stiff!  And I suddenly had to pee!!  Good grief, I was in pain.  And miserable.  

    Eventually the cramps lessened and I got up and opened the patio door for some air.  I don't know why I did that, but it felt good.

    I also drank a bottle of Gatorade and ate a banana.

    I was careful to drink more water today.  And Gatorade.

    I hope that was enough to keep me from cramping.

    Now, I have to get a bottle and change my nappy before bed.

Peace and Love

Sunday, May 5, 2024

feed me

That's a line from "Little Shop of Horrors" 

    Unfortunately, it also sums up my eating habits.

    I was talking to a couple the other day and they said they have been eating like birds.

    Well, I eat like a bird too.  Unfortunately, my bird is a vulture, which will eat anything not moving.

    No willpower at all.


    I did not finish mowing the lot yet.  We went to a memorial service this afternoon, and I fully intended to mow when we got home.

    But we sat and visited after the service ended.  We didn't get home until 6:30 and by then Julia had arrived with Chinese food, so I ate. And ate.  And ate.

    I didn't feel like mowing after that.  There is always tomorrow.

    The memorial service was for Carol Weidmann, whom I  have known since around 1979 or so.  

    I first met her when she joined the local high school staff as a theater teacher and I did a "meet the new teacher" article for the newspaper.  That article was on display at the memorial.

    Carol cast me in the first play I was ever in, which was 1982 or so.  

    Her sister spoke today an I learned more about Carol than I ever knew when she was alive.  

    She taught me a lot about theater, and acting, and how to have fun.  But she also taught me about the importance of knowing your character, and your lines.

    Funny, you never really miss someone until you know you can't see them again.

    That's it.

    Exit stage left.

Peace and Love

Saturday, May 4, 2024

mow, mow, mow the lawn

 Holy cow, I mowed a lot today

    Well, almost.

    I got 3/4 done with the lot we bought and it started to rain.  Hard. I just made it to the garage when the sky unleashed a torrent of wet stuff.

    Let me tell you about mowing the lot.  It sucks.  It is bumpy, bumpy, and bumpy.  Three kinds of bumps:  one that makes you bounce up in the seat; one. that spills your drink, and one that bounces my ass out of the seat and over the front of. the mower.  Well, not quite.  But it is bumpy.

    My bigger problem is gas.  For the mower. not for me.

    I put in 2 gallons when I started mowing my yard and I ran out before I finished! Now I wonder if something is wrong with the mower, because that seemed like a lot of gas!  Before I finish the lot I plan to get more gas, just in case.

    So....that was my day.

    Mow.  Mow.

    I listened to the Cubs on the radio.  That was a great win, as opposed to yesterday's loss.  The baseball lords giveth and taketh.

    I also let out Emily's dogs.  Her foster dog was afraid of me until he got a treat, then we were buddies.

    I had to go back as the storm rolled in to put the shield on the dog door.  I guess I better learn his name.

    It's funny how empty the house feels with Julia gone.  Poor Beth does not know what to do.  She lays on the floor by the basement door, thinking Julia is downstairs.  Tonight she is on Julia's bed.  

    Me thinks the transition from Julia here to Julia in a house will be quite a challenge for all of us.

    And that's the trivia for today.

Peace and Love

Friday, May 3, 2024

Traveling time

 This must be the time of year to travel

    Daughter Julia went to Holland for the weekend!

    Well, actually it is Holland Michigan, but she is traveling.

    Other friends are in Ireland, or soon will be; and some are going to Florida.

    I hope they all have safe, fun trips.

    I see Amtrak is creating a Chicago to the Minneapolis/St. Paul area route.   The train leaves Chicago at 11 a.m. and arrives in the Twin Cities about 8 p.m., going thru Milwaukee on the way.  The great thing is the cost is only $41 one way.  

    I love traveling by train.  You usually don't have to worry about weather, turbulence, passengers opening exit doors, parts falling off.  Well, maybe you should worry about those.  But you are on the ground.

    It beats driving because you can take a nap, take a walk, use the bathroom, stretch your legs.....all sorts of things are possible on a train.

    I just wish American trains were faster.

    I have ridden the TGV in France.  I believe it was doing about 120 mph and you could not even feel a bump.  Of course Europe relies on train travel a lot more than  the US does.  The high speed trains have their own tracks and it seems most freight trains run at night, when passenger service is not a big issue.

    Speaking of speed, time flies.

    We went to a retirement party for TC and Chris Roberts, folks we have known for a long time.

    It was a nice gathering, with several of Terry's worlds coming together.  There were theater people, colleagues, family, and friends.  It was pretty fun.

    Jackie and I ate at Luna right before the party.  We went with hamburgers and they were very good.  Plus, the atmosphere and views of the golf course are pretty neat.  Since the party was at Luna, it was also very convenient.

    I am getting older, for sure.  (In case no one noticed.)  I ordered a rum and Coke at the party and only drank half of it because it was pretty strong.  Probably should just have had pop.

    That's all that is on my mind.

    Have a great Saturday.

Peace and Love

Thursday, May 2, 2024


Somedays things get done if you get up early 

    Windows and screens washed.  House cleaned.  Bathroom wall sanded and primed.

    I had a busy day.

    I did not do any off that. but I did write out a check!

    We had people come in to wash windows and the screens.  I used to do it myself.  It would take me several days because I got tired and lost interest.  And I was younger than that now!

    Matt and his crew were done in less than 2 hours and the windows sparkled.  Of course, it rained about 6 tonight, so they don't sparkle as much.  But rain is good.

    This is our usual cleaning person again, I did nothing.

     I went to the chiropractor, visited a friend, ate some ice cream at The Royal Scoop by the museum, and watched the Cubs blow a game.

    I also got gas so I could move the mower into the garage.  Unfortunately, I left my van out in the driveway with the windows open  while I went with Emily to get some bushes and it poured.  Luckily, Julia got he van into the garage before it got too wet.

    I did do a few things, just not anything difficult.

    And we did get up at 7:30, something we have not done for a while.  

    Tonight I am really tired.  

    And I am looking forward to a good sleep.

Peace and Love

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Rasslin match

 Thankfully, I won a wrestling match last night

    It really started in Rockford.

    When Jackie goes to bed, we use a walker to move her from the bathroom to the bed.  Once at the bed, I get her up and she falls face down onto the bed.  Well, actually she starts to fall, but I twist her body so she can land on her side.

    Yes, you are right.  It is unsafe.  And impractical.  But it works. sorta.

    The bed is about 6 inches higher than the seat on the walker.  I can't lift her the 6 inches, hence the stand up and fall.

    I stopped at a mobility store in Rockford yesterday and found a walker that was the same height as the bed.

    That means I can move her to the bed, lift her and swing her to the bed, allowing her to sit.

    In theory, it works.

    Last night I got her on the chair, which she did not like because the seat is a little smaller than her normal seat.

    I got her to the bed, aligned her, then lifted her and the wrestling match started.

    She got an arm caught on the arm of the walker, I got a foot caught on the leg.  She could not get free.  I could not get free.

    We wrestled like that for at least 45 minutes.  Well, actually, is was just a few seconds, but it felt longer.

    I kept thinking about people I would call to come pick us up from the floor.

    She did not fall.  She landed on the bed and I was able to swing her legs up.

    So today,  I took the walker back.

    Holly, the sales lady, said if it did not work, bring it back.

    I could not find the receipt.  Or the credit card record of the sale.  I went to Rockford anyway and explained the situation to a new person.  She pulled the file and Holly and written a note that said basically that the customer was not sure it would work and  could bring it back Wednesday for a full refund.

    I did see a  new walker there that had a 24 inch high seat......but I was afraid to press my luck by buying another and having to return that one.  Maybe I should have.

    When I got home I spread 2 yards of mulch.  Sheri and Julia helped.  Unfortunately 2 yards was not enough and I will need to get more. 

    But what is mulched looks great.

Peace and Love

The girls gave me a strawberry plant and I ate my first strawberry!!

Alium starting to bloom

Looks great, eh?