Tuesday, September 19, 2023


 I had a hearing appointment today

    Actually, I had 2 appointments:  1 at 2:30 and 1 at 3.

    Or so I thought.

    I got there at 2:20 and told the receptionist was there for a 2:30 and a 3 appointment.

    She said, "Actually, you had a 2 and a 2:30 appointment."

    How do I do that?  I mean, I wrote it on the calendar.  I even wrote 2:30 and 3.  I don't get it.

    While I was waiting for my 2:30 appointment, the next person came in and said he had an appointment for 2:30.

    The same receptionist said,, "Actually, you have a 3 o clock appointment."

    Now, both of us were men.  We were both genuinely surprised that we had the wrong times. I was wondering what the receptionist was thinking.

    Anyway, I love my doctor.  Not love, love; but love as in I really enjoy our appointments.

    Her first words to me today were, "Hello, Terry!  How was your trip across the pond?  Did you have a good time?"

    I asked her if she had a little time for my passport story, she did, so I told it and she was as amazed as I was that a guy from Naperville found it and returned it at the baseball game.

    Yesterday my lawn was dethatched.  My plan was to buy seed, overseed the lawn, then put a starter fertilizer on to stimulate the growth.

    I bought 50 pounds of grass seed  to do t hat. I did not realize how expensive grass seed is.

    Anyway, my next idea was to use Emily's pull behind the riding mower spreader to spread the seed.  When I picked it up tonight, I found the spreader doesn't work.  It seems frozen.  Tomorrow I will douse it with WD-40 an hope that frees up the frozen parts.

    If it doesn't, I'll be asking neighbors if they have one I could borrow to spread the seed.

    The fertilizer will have to wait until the end of October.  At least that is what a couple of on-line articles said about a winterizer fertilizer.  I can't find starter fertilizer this time of year, (surprise, surprise) and my next best option seems to be a winterizer.

    I ran into an old friend today.  He was using a walker, which surprised me because he was always so big and strong.  He told me that after the cancer treatments, (Me;  What?  You had cancer?) he started getting dizzy at times and uses the walker to stabilize himself.  

    Seems we both had prostate cancer.  He had surgery then radiation while I only had surgery.

    If you know a male over age 50 encourage them to get their PSA checked yearly.  The PSA reading is a good way to detect prostate cancer.  Once it is detected, there are several ways to treat it, but early detection is key.  Pass that message on.

Peace and Love 

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