Saturday, September 9, 2023


 I got a bike ride in today

    That's a big deal for me this week.

    Last Wednesday I jammed my knee when I missed a step.  When I went to ride Wednesday, the pain was enough to limit me to a little over 4 miles.  Every time I flex my knee, it hurts.

    Today was better.  I actually rode 7 miles (actually 6.98, but that's close enough) and the knee did not hurt as much

    Then I took Beth on a walk.  

    I was pretty active, and I just have a little pain right now.

    The mojito might have helped, but I think the knee is better.

    Jackie and I have been watching Grace and Frankie on Netflix and tonight we finished the series.

    Now, there is a  lot of swearing in the show.  A lot.  I thought I swore a lot when the Cubs lose a close one, but all the characters swear a lot.

    The show is not everyone's cup of tea. It deals with same sex marriages, vibrators, sexual freedoms.....but for some reason we liked it.

    Sam Watereson, Martin Scheen, Lily Tomlin and Jane Fonda were the main stars.  As you can tell, the show did not feature a young cast.

    But it dealt with a lot of issues people my age are facing:  memory loss, sense of purpose in life, diminished physical abilities, family issues, legacies.  The final episode wrapped up the series nicely.  All the characters were dealt with in a positive way, so we, as viewers, were left with a good feeling about their futures.

    Funny, isn't it?  That I get concerned about the futures of make believe characters in a make believe world.  

    But I do.  I like endings.  Casablanca, for example.  The perfect ending.  We know where everyone is going and what they will be doing.

    On the other hand, I still wonder about Butch and Sundance.  

Peace and Love


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