Wednesday, September 27, 2023

do unto others

I had a great day with people today 

    Jackie was fitted with a brace to try to straighten out her left ankle.

    As we were leaving the office, a man opened he door and held it for us.  I thanked him.

    As we were getting in the van, a woman parked next to us and watched me wrestle Jackie into the lift chair.  She got out of her car and asked if we needed help.  She was walking with a cane and offering help to us!

    I am a recycler.  I don't throw away dead batteries because I think they could be recycled.  I took two containers to the Battery Plus store in Rockford and asked a lady at the counter if they recycled batteries.

    She came out to the car and looked at the batteries, which were mostly AA and AAA.  She said they don't recycle these and I should just toss them in the trash.  Then she explained that lithium batteries and rechargeables  do get recycled.  She took both containers and said she would sort through them and toss or recycle as needed.

    I stopped at a Starbucks in Rockford.  I sasked the youngster if the 2 for Thursdays were still on and she said yes, but today was Wednesday so I would have to come back tomorrow.  She said it in such a nice way!  I know, that's her job.  But we had a good laugh about my inability to remember days.

    When I meet people like all of the above, I get reminded of how much good there is in the world.   We all just want to make this journey through life without bumps in the road, and being nice to others is one way to do it.

Peace and Love

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