Friday, September 22, 2023


 I have been puzzled by things lately

    When I listen to the morning weather, I hear things like highest temperature on this date was 95 in 1975, coldest was 33 in 1953.

    It seems  so long ago, but then I realize it is during my lifetime!

    That sounds lo long ago, but I was alive !  Hell, it was a longtime ago.  We have been married since 1969, or after the Beatles broke up.  That was a long time ago!

    Time just seems to be racing by.  When I was a kid it took forever to get from July 4 to Christmas, now it seems just days.

    Walmart has Christmas stuff on the shelves.  It isn't even October!

    Slow down, people!

    Speaking of slowing down, (this is a terrible transition but I can't think of a better way) I took Beth out about 8 tonight.  It was dark.  Our street is dark.  The night is dark.

    Suddenly, I heard a cough and then the flip flop of a person running.  They passed our house and Beth did not even bark.

    What bothered me was this person was in dark clothing.  No reflectors.  No lights.  No safety vest.  I hope drivers could see them, because I could not.

    It was also misting, which is another factor to take into consideration when running in dark clothing down a dark street at night.

    Oh my.

    I am starting to feel like a genius for planting grass seed yesterday.

    It rained lightly most of the day, which has to be good for the seed.  I hope it rains again a little tomorrow, which will also be good for the seed.

    The downside is I need to mow.  3 of my neighbors mowed between raindrops today, which makes me feel a little guilty.  I took a nap.

    Julia and Emily went to Cranfest in Warrens, Wisconsin this weekend.  It's a huge market with home made goods, crafts, imported items and a lot of other stuff.  Jackie and I have been in the past, but it has been a few years. I thought it was a fun weekend and I hope they find some unusual items.

    Plus they get to visit my sister in law and niece.  So, that's a bonus.

    That's it....except for some wildlife pictures.

Peace and love

The ants are leaving their nests!

I got thinking about Thanksgiving dinner today

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