Thursday, September 21, 2023

seedy times

 I seeded parts of my lawn today

    Lucky of me, too.

    It rained just as I finished, which means the seed will get a nice bath.  Plus it is supposed to rain for the next 3 or 4 days, so I am optimistic.

    Neighbor John had a spreader I attached to my riding lawn mower.  It made the whole seeding thing possible, as I had a 50 pound bag.  I had borrowed Emily's spreader, but it seems to be locked and I can't get its wheels to turn.

    Next task is putting down some winterizer fertilizer, but it was suggested not to do that until mid to late October.  Maybe by then I can get Emily's spreader working.

    In a sense it is all kind of foolish.  I plant grass seed, fertilize, then complain about having to mow it.  Maybe I could get a couple of goats and put  them in the yard.

    I started cleaning the den 3 days ago.....and it looks worse now than it did when I started!

    I have a pile of books that I plan to read.  But it is a big pile.  I just don't seem to read as much as I used to.  Maybe when the weather turns cooler I will, but don't bet on it.

    Speaking of betting, I don't get it.  Watching the Cubs the commercials  talk about 6 under, 5 over and a whole bunch of stuff I don't get.  Funny how Pete Rose can be banned for life for betting while betting is providing a lot   of revenue to sports teams in the form of advertising and promotions.  

    Plus the commercials have to be some of the worst on air, even eclipsing the Limo Emu ones.

    Oh well, I guess I just have to live with it all.  Someday all my bets will be on in 6 feet.

Peace and Love

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