Tuesday, September 26, 2023


 We made a huge mistake today

    I set the alarm for 7:30 so I could take out the recycling.  I went aback to bed, resetting the alarm for 8:30. 

    When it went off at 8:30 I turned it off and went back to bed.

Jackie woke me up at 10:30!!!

Now, normally I would have gotten up at 8:30, but she was still asleep so I turned off the alarm, figuring the cuckoo would wake her at 9.  No such luck.

    By the time she was ready for breakfast, it was after 12:30.  

    So I had a short day.

    I did manage to partially destroy Emily's spreader  The one wheel does not turn, so I thought taking it apart may help free it up.  I have put rust destroyer on it over and over and over, so my next  course was to take it apart.

    You all know how mechanically inclined I am.  I can't get the parts off that need to come off, I can't get the parts on that need to go on, so after an hour I gave up.  I have to get a hammer to complete the dismantling of the spreader.

    Jackie said to just toss it and buy a new one.  I mentioned they were close to $300, so I have the go ahead to keep working on it.

    To recap:  The spreader plate that tosses the seed or fertilizer does not turn.  Because it does not turn, the one wheel does not turn.  It does turn backward, but I can't spread fertilizer moving backward.  There is a lot of rust on the parts and that seems to be the problem.

    So I thought taking off the wheel, taking apart the turning mechanism, and taking apart the spinner then using rust remover and then WD 40 would solve the problem.  But, and there is always a big butt, I can't seem to do what I want.

    We had  a storm tonight.  There was lots of thunder, a continuous rolling thunder in the sky.  Then lightning, which was strange because I figured the lightning would come first.  I just checked the rain gauge and we have over 1 inch of rain and that was since 5 p.m.  

    Come to think of it, now I am not sure if I emptied it after this morning's rain.

    O well.

Peace and Love

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