Wednesday, September 13, 2023


I know you get tired of reading about my issues 

    I talked to a neighbor today.  He is about my age and is constantly doing something.

    I, on the other hand, find it hard to even get the mail lately.

    I don't understand myself.  Nothing interests me.  I have several small tasks to do and I really don't care if I get done or not. Even supper is boring lately.

    My time is mostly spent eating junk food, doing laundry, reading the Tribune, and taking care of Jackie.

    And with the days getting shorter, my time to do anything involving outside will also shrink.

    For example:  I have not ridden my bike or walked Beth in the past 7 days.

    Part of it is my knee hurts every time I flex it.  That is not ideal for riding a bike.  Or walking.

    Enough bitching.

    Except about the Cubs.  What the hell?  Go to Colorado, which had lost 17 of their last 21 games, and lose 2 out of 3?  Not exactly what you want to see from a team trying to make the playoffs.

    I met a woman today who is a Cubs fan.  

    Now I am a Cubs fan, but she is a Cubs fan.

    From what I remember about our conversation, she has a life sized poster of Mark Grace in one of her bathrooms.  When you sit, he is staring at you.

    She asked me how many autographs I had.  I told her I had 2 Ernie Banks.  She smile and said he had something like 163 autographs from different players! Signed shirts, cards, license plates, napkins.... you name it, someone signed it.  That is amazing!

    When I was growing up I had an autograph book.  I would wait in the players parking lot, which is now where Gallagher Way is, after games.  When players came out to their cars, I would ask them to sign.I know I had Banks, Ed Boucher, George Altman and several others that I don't remember.

    Somehow that disappeared.  I don't know if it is buried in a box in the basement or a landfill in Kane County.

    It was nice to meet someone so enthused about the Boys  in Blue.  I told her Kris Bryant was still one or my favorites and damn if he didn't hit a home run again today.

    Hopefully, they play better in Arizona this weekend.

Peace and Love

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