Monday, September 25, 2023


We had our first dog obedience  lesson today 

    It's not that Beth is not a good dog.  She is.  But she has some behaviors we want to change.

    Like jumping up on people.  Or being nicer to other dogs when she encounters them.  And staying.

    Like I said, not a lot.

    Turns out during the training she either catches on quickly or has learned some of that in her past.  But she is easily distracted, and bored, somethings we both have in common.

    Our trainer is a former student of mine.  They were in my class the year I had my real heart attack, which was 2006. It's funny that she is now the teacher and Jackie and I are the pupils.

    I managed to get my bird feeders back up and filled.  That may not seem such a big deal, but it has been over a week since I took them down so the yard could be dethatched.  I did not expect it to take me so long to get a round tuit.

    We topped off the night with a birthday dinner with a friend.  We had Chinese food from in town and it was pretty good.  I ate too much.  Emily brought some cupcakes, I think from Small Cakes?, and they were awesome.

    All it all, it was a pretty darn good day.

Peace and Love

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