Wednesday, September 6, 2023


Another day, another problem 

    I swear, I have itchy feet.

    No, I don't want to travel.  Well, actually I do.  Lots to see out there.

    No, my feet itch again.  They have not itched for a while, but started again this week.

    My bedtime routine is:  brush teeth, wash feet, rinse mouth, oil up feet.

    Nothing helps.

    But now I have another problem.

    I itch all up and down my legs.  Not the entire leg, just spots.  Almost like hives.

    And my eyes itch tonight.

    I must have an allergy of some kind.  Jackie has said for years my sneezing was due to an allergy, but I scoffed at that idea.  Now I am not so sure.

    I have not changed detergent, deoderant, soap, or added any new food or drink to my diet.

    I have been eating more fruit, but I have always eaten raspberries and peaches.  And I have always eaten yogurt.  And drunk tea.

    Now I itch.

    I was taking one Benadryl to sooth the itch.   But one did not cut it today,  I took two and  had relief for about 5 hours.  But now I am itching again.

    I don't have a rash, have not been outside for any amount of time, and have not done any yard work since the pre 90 temps.

    I know.  Go to a dermatologist.  Get examined.  But what can they tell me without doing extensive testing?

    Tomorrow I will not eat raspberries.  Maybe they are the culprit.  

    I just hope it is not the Portillo's lemon cake.  Or coffee.  Or tea.  

Peace and Love

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