Sunday, September 3, 2023

dog days

 Sometimes I think we are always in the dog days

    Emily brought Liam over yesterday, and for the most part Beth got along with him.  Yes, there was some growling at times and a little nippiness on Beth's part, but Liam generally ignored her.

    Then last night she was in her kennel and started doing this cough/bark/heavy breathing thing.  She did it for about 10 seconds, stopped and then started a few minutes later.  I got up and rubbed her neck and she seemed to be ok.

    Today we got to meet Nash, the Kudelkas' newest family member.  After initially being nice, Beth turned into a barking demon.  We had her on a leash, and Jackie said that was the reason she was acting out.  Julia was afraid to take her off the leash because she was acting so aggresively.  

    So I don't know if being on the leash helped or not.

    What I do think is we need to take Beth to some dog socialization sessions.  Maybe Tails has some.  I will have to check that out.

    Then tonight, I had something (ok, a plate of Portillo's lemon cake) and I turned around and almost fell over Beth, who was standing directly behind me.  I stumbled, yelled, and Beth took off like a shot.

    I followed her downstairs and she was afraid to come near me!  She must have thought my yell was at her, but it wasn't really.  It was a yell you give right before you think you are going to fall.

    Luckily, I did not drop the dake.

    Hopefully tomorrow will be a better dog day.

    And a better person day.

Peace and Love

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