Sunday, September 17, 2023

got cha

 The vole in the basement problem has been solved

    No, I did not catch it with a net. 

    No, Julia did not trap it under a box.

    No, my fancy new trap was not the answer.

    Beth caught it.

    At least Julia assumes Beth caught it....otherwise the critter died of a heart attack in front of the couch downstairs. It wasn't there one second, and the next it was.  So was Beth.

    If she had done that a couple of days ago she could have saved me the money I spent on the damn trap.

    I went to Julia's storage shed unit with her to help reorganize it.  

    Over the past year she has bought things and just set them in the shed.  Today we stacked, moved, and created a little more space for stuff.  At least now you can walk in it.

    We almost didn't do that.  I sat in my chair on the porch at 2:30 with the idea of taking a short nap.  I woke up at 3:45.  I did not watch the Bears lose another one, but I did watch the Cubs tonight.  Well, almost watched them.  They were being smoked in the seventh, so I stopped that.

    After helping Julia I poured a glass of whiteish wine and sat on the back patio, just enjoying the beautiful weather.

    On a down note, my knee still bothers me so I did not push it today.  Hopefully it will feel better this week so I can get in a couple of rides.

    Friend Kevin and daughter Sam brought some goodies over to share with us tonight.  They know I have a giant sweet tooth and I thank them for that!

    That's about all of my boring life for the day.

Peace and Love

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