Thursday, September 14, 2023


 We seem to have an unwanted visitor

    Over the past few months we have had a vole or two in the basement. 

    I assume they are voles....small, long tail, snout, and extremely fast.

    Well, we have one in the basement again.

    I can tell when it is seen because I hear an "EEK" every now and then.

    The little critter ran over Julia's foot when she was working.  Twice.  Julia does not like that.

    Beth is on the scent.  Last night she laid down in front of a book case and stared at it for 20 minutes, not moving the entire time.  Tonight the critter was in the middle of the floor when Julia went downstairs, but Beth was too slow.

    I was also  too slow.  I was holding a net in the last area where the critter was and Julia said, "There it goes!" but I never saw a thing.

    So, either Julia is hallucinating or I am just a bit behind.

    I would just put out a Hav a Hart trap, but I can't find my small one.  another price I pay for not putting stuff away.  I used it last winter to catch a mouse, but have no idea where I put it.  I looked in all the usual places, but no luck.

    Tomorrow I will buy another trap and hopefully catch the little guy.

    Because of its size, I can't use my ground squirrel traps because a vole would not set off the trap and could probably squeeze out.

    I assume they get in through the window wells or possibly the sump pump.  I am not sure, but I don't see how else they would make it into the house.

    Luckily they are not mice....because that would be a big problem.

    If you have any ideas on keeping them out, besides getting a cat, let me know.

    Until tomorrow, the great hunter is going to bed.  Or at least go read.  Or play solitaire.

Peace and Love

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