Monday, September 18, 2023


 A lot was done around the house today

    The entire yard was detached with the remains bagged up and taken away.

    Of course, I did not do it.  I hired someone to come in and take care of that.  He ended up with 12 bags of thatch.

    My plan was to have it dethatched, then get grass seed and starter fertilizer to put on the newly dethatched lawn.  That is still my plan, but it will be Friday before I do all that.

    I did get the dining room light fixture cleaned and the stainless steel appliances all nice and shiny. 

    I actually got up at 7:30 today but did take a short nap around 1.  I think that helped with my afternoon energy.

    But I did have an "oops" problem.

    After feeding Beth dinner, I dropped her container with food, spilling kibble all over the floor.  Beth helped me clean it up.  It was actually more like a race to see who could get to the dog food first.  I think it was a tie.

    I was heading out to the back patio with a small glass of wine right after that and I spilled some in the kitchen.  I cleaned the up, refilled my glass, and promptly spilled a lot of that as I stepped out of the house.

    Tonight I had a small piece of cake on a plate and carefully balanced the plate on the edge of the counter.  That was a mistake.  Luckily it was a paper plate, but the cake splattered on the floor.

    I also started cleaning the den.  But I went to the grocery store, came home, relaxed and realized just a few minutes ago that I had not finished.  So, hopefully tomorrow.

    I say hopefully because I have 2 medical appointments tomorrow afternoon.  I hope they don't take too long.

    Finally, no, I did not get a bike ride or a dog walk in today.  

    All in all, it was a good day.  I hope you had a good day too.

Peace and Love

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