Thursday, September 28, 2023

Please, Mr. Holmes?

 I have a mystery to solve, I need Sherlock Holmes

    I don't function well in the morning.  I don't get up early.  So the details may be a bit fuzzy.


    Knock on the bedroom door.

    "What, what's going on?  What's wrong?"

    Door opens.

    "Dad, your tree is gone."


    "Your tree is gone."

    "What are you talking about?  My tree?  What tree? What do you mean?"

    "The little one in the back yard."

    "Huh?  Little tree.  I don't have a little tree."

    "That;'s right, cause it's gone.  Come, look."

    I got out of bed and looked out the back door.

    And sure as shit, my 12 foot gingko is gone.  All that is left is a 2 foot stump. And a small bunch of leaves.

    "What the hell!"

    "See, it's gone."

    Not knowing what to do in this situation, I called the nonemergency sheriff's department number.

    "Sheriff's office.  How can I help you?"

    "One of my trees is gone."

    Dead silence.

    "Excuse me?  Did you say a tree?"

    I then explained what I found.  I told them I did not expect a deputy to come out, but I wanted them to be aware of it in case someone has a similar problem or finds my tree in their yard.

    They said, "I'll make a note that you called," but I could tell by the voice it was not going to be a serious note.  At least I did not call 911.

    I showered, got dressed and went into the yard.  Julia pointed out here was a trail of leaves from my house across my neighbor's yard and toward the detention pond.  I followed it and found the stakes that held the tree in the ground, my suet feeder, the bamboo pole to keep it straight and what was left of the tree.  In little pieces.  No leaves.  

    I contacted Morton Arboretum, and they said it would be unusual for a deer to do this at this time of year because there is so much other food available.  And for sure, my hostas were intact as were my carrots.

    I don't think it would be a beaver because we are quite a distance from water.   Plus beavers generally gnaw, not snap, a tree.

    There was a green watering bag on the tree.  Julia found it and it was full of what looks like teeth marks, which leads me away from a deer because they have flat grinders, not choppers.

    I know it was not a person, because people don't eat trees.  Well, generally they don't.  It could have been a crazy person, but if that is the case we are all in trouble.

    What could it be?  A deer in rut?  A moose?  A bear????  A T-Rex?  Yeti?????

    Like I said, I need a Sherlock Holmes to solve this mystery.

Peace and Love

And pictures

there used to be leaves and branches on this part

The trail ended here

This little one was in my tomato plants and was not afraid of me one I wondered if it was hurt or just a baby.

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