Saturday, September 16, 2023

weather...or not

 It was a strange rain day for us

    When the weather people say scattered showers, they don't kid around.

    We had some drops of rain at our house early, but it was done by the time we got up.  Granted, we got up at 10:30, but it had stopped raining.

    Yes, 10:30.  I know!

    We watched the Cubs to the biter end last night.  And trust me, it was bitter.  And since they are in Arizona, the game didn't end until after 11 sometime.

    So today was a short day, but a busy one for me.

    I let out Emily's dogs while she was at work, went into town to get mower gas, then mowed the lawn.

    Mower gas.  Damn, whoever designed the little cogs on the gas cans to make it harder to open must not have been a senior citizen or someone who has weak wrists.  Every time I struggle with it I tell myself to cut off those damn cogs....but I never do it.

    The forecast for today was rain, mixed with thunderstorms, in the afternoon.

    Well, when you don't get up until 10:30, afternoon isn't far off.

    By the time I got Jackie up and dressed, had breakfast, fed the dog, and everything else, it was 1.  By the time I got gas and was ready to mow  it was about 2:15..

    I wanted to get over to Autumn on the Prairie at Nachusa Grasslands, and that ended at 4.  So I was a little unsure of how things would progress.

    Since I mowed the front yesterday, I only had the back to do today. I managed to knock that off and be done by 3:10.  Nachusa is 15 minutes from our house, so I got Jackie settled and headed over.

    I was not disappointed.

    First off, the last hour of the day they don't collect parking money.

    Second off, my bison tour only had 5 people on it.  It was next to last to go for the day.

    Thirdly, Headon's had a food truck there and when I left after 4 they were selling the steak sandwiches on a buy one, get on I bought supper. a really nice look at the bison.

    All I have to do now if fold two loads of laundry and I  am done for the day.  And night.

    And guess what?  It did not rain here, but poured this pouring in town and at Nachusa.  It is spitting rain tonight , but my guess is we will not get much.

Peace and Love

The cinnamon calf stayed close to mom.  It was born maybe in July, according to our tour guide.


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