Saturday, September 23, 2023


 My mobile phone is a curse

    I leave it places and can't remember where I left it.

    For example, someone called me tonight.  I heard the phone ringing in my hearing aids because the Bluetooth was on.  But I did not know where the phone was.

    I looked in the den, the bedroom, the car, the front porch....and could not find it.  I had Jackie call it, and I took my hearing aids out so I would hear it.  But when you leave it on silent it is hard to find.

    After I missed the call I found the phone....on the back patio where I had been reading.  And yes, I left the book there too.

    This morning I was in the basement getting things for Pickin' Station and  my  phone rang.  By the time I got up the stairs to answer it, I was too late.

    Yes, I could put it in my pocket.  But I hate being tied to a phone.  I don't want to take it everywhere I go.  And it is uncomfortable.

    At the same time, I hate missing calls or texts because I don't have it.

    I never had that problem with a rotary dialed wall mounted phone.  Sometimes I miss those days.

    Had a fun night playing euchre with friends.  I did get set once because I called trump when I did not have enough in my hand.  That was a disaster.

    And I did buy a lottery ticket.  I am not even thinking of winning, because it won't happen.  But I have to buy it because some day my numbers will be drawn.  Someday.  I may be dead when it happens, but it will happen.

    I also heard a Jimmy Buffett tune I had never heard before.  And I believe they said Paul McCartney played base on the song!  Now I am going to have to Google it to see if I heard correctly.  But I need to remember the name of the Song.  It might have b been "When my gummies kick in."  

     Maybe I need some gunnies.

Peace and Love

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