Friday, September 8, 2023


 Night is an interesting, and mysterious, time

    Beth started racing around the house last night about 10.  She was barking and growling, which she normally does not do.

    So Julia put her in her harness and I took her outside on a leash.

    The smell of a skunk hit me smack in the face.

    I don't know if Beth smelled it in the house, but she was sure smelling it outside.  

    Julia had to close her window, the stench was so bad.

    I read somewhere that a skunk's smell can be noticed up to 1 mile away.  But this was a pretty strong smell, so I suspect the critter was closer.

    This morning 2 of my hanging bird feeders were on the ground.  One has thistle seed and the other has safflower seeds.  These feeders are on steel poles, and I hardly think an animal can shinny up the poles and knock them down.

    But deer probably could.  Knock them down, not shinny of up poles.  Unless they were pole dancers.

    Speaking of deer, Beth seems to look at deer poop as an in between meal option.

    So now I have to go out and rake up deer poop from the yard before the dog gets to it.

    Nothing like being licked by a dog that just ate deer poop.

    We generally eat out on Friday night.  We go for people food, not deer poop.

    Jackie wanted a pecan apple salad from a local fast food place.  I went in, placed the order, and as the girl was putting it in the bag I told her not to put in any of the plasticware.

    She looked at me and asked, "Do you want the pecans?"

    I was not snarky and said that I did, but I was thinking if I didn't want pecans would I have ordered a pecan apple salad?  

    When I got home, Jackie asked where the dressing was.

    My guess was she did not understand and when I said no plastic ware, she might have heard, "Don't give me dressing or pecans to go on the salad."

    Oh well.

    I did get an appointment at the genius bar on Tuesday in Naperville.  Julia figured it out, but it was not as easy as it should be.

    AI does not work for everyone.

Peace and Love

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