Sunday, September 10, 2023

a new hiome?

 I think a certain sports team needs a new home

    The Berars were terrible today.  Not just bad, but terrible.

    It was as if they had read and listened to all the talk of Rogers being gone and the Packers won't be any good and the revamped Bears offense will score 70 points a game.........

    I know 1 game does not make a season, but this one was ugly.  I think it is safe to say they will not run away with the division, but could have a tough time finishing as high as fourth.  And I know there are only 4 teams in the division, I was just being snarky.

    Judging from the boos I heard, fans will not miss this team.

    I got a couple of things off my to do list, and added a few more.

    Our dining room light just does not seem as bright ever since we had the new switch installed.  Do dimmer switches come in different powers?  The light just does not seem bright.  It could be the globe is dirty, but it can't be that dirty.

    Got the mums planted.  I always think I can save them over the winter and plant them in the spring, but I never do.  

    I also realized it is a little too late to hook up my porch fountain.  All I really had to do was put the pump in, fill it with water and plug it in.  But I never got around to it.

    Story of my life.

    Someone once gave me a button with "to it" printed on it.  I asked them what that meant and they told me it was a round to it button, and now I had no excuses.  I guess I lost that button.

    So this week......clean the dining room fixture, clean up the garden, check  the water level in my golf cart batteries, check the water level in Emily's golf cart batteries, go to a genius bar appointment, help Emily with a clean up issue, and a lot of other little things I can't remember right now.

    It's not even Monday and I am tired already.

Peace and Love

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