Monday, September 11, 2023

deja vu all over again

Funny thing happened on my way  to a normal day 

    Last night Emily texted that she had water in her basement.

    Seems the pump in her ejector pit died.  Funny, ours died about a month ago.  Or two.

    Emily's ejector pump handles waste water from her downstairs bathroom, which no on has used in months, the dehumidifier on her AC unit, and the water softener.  So, the water clean-up will not be bad, but the plumber did not have a pump on hand.  Seems he has replaced a couple in the past three days.  So she will have to wait until tomorrow for the fix to be made.

    We are now goingto order those water alert devices that can be placed on the floor near a pump pit.

    Our pumps are in areas where we don't go very often.  In fact, Emily hardly ever goes into   her basement.  

    So the warning alarms would be good.

    I know, the cow has already left the barn so locking the door now seems a bit silly.  But there is always a next time.

    We did get rain.  It was a gentle rain most of the day.  I don't think it will help the farmers or my lawn, but it just seemed nice to have it.

    Like most of us, I have memories of this date.  On one hand it is hard to believe it was 22 years ago, while on the other hand it seems like yesterday.

    In perspective, first year college freshmen were not here to experience the fear and uncertainty of the time.  While my fifth graders are in their mid 20s now,  many with families, maybe even fifth graders of their own.

    Peace be with all of you tonight.

Peace and Love


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