Saturday, September 30, 2023

next year

 Well, my Cubbies are done

    They picked a bad time to fall apart.  My hopes, our hopes, were built up and then smashed, flattened, like a blind, deaf skunk on a 4 lane interstate.

    There is always next year.  As a Cubs fan you have to accept that.  I am just happy that once in my 75 years I saw them play and win a World Series.

    I will be pulling for Baltimore and Atlanta to make it to the Series.  I think Atlanta will win it' all,  if they get their pitching healthy.

    We had some margaritas tonight.  Julia made them along with fajitas and a couple of us sat around and talked, drank, and ate.  It was a lovely evening.

    Aside from that, it was pretty much a normal day, if anything is ever normal around here.

    Tomorrow it's off to the cemetery!  And no, I will not be staying.

Peace and Love

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