Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Odds and ends

 That is what I have to do...odds and ends

    I have not mowed for at least 2 weeks.  That is not a problem because with the lack of rain, the grass has not grown very much.

    At the same time, it has grown in spots and I need to level it off before I leave.

    I have to make a trip to the Pickin Station, Walmart, the bank and Cypress House for a coffee tomorrow.

    Then I start packing.

    That is when the fun starts. 

    Are 5 shirts too few?  Are 10 too many?  How many socks do I need?  Can't I just wash them out in the sink?  Are 28 pairs of underwear too many for a 14 day trip?  Am I sure I don't want to pack my Kindle so I have something to read?

    The sad thing is, I will still not have decided many of these pertinent questions until Thursday morning.  Then I will end up throwing a whole bunch of stuff into my suitcase and hoping I have enough clothes.  And the  right clothes.

    Our new dishwasher was delivered and installed today.  We ordered it thru Kine's in Sterling.  The price was pretty close to the big box store, plus they had someone from their business install the new and haul away the old.

    As a bonus, on his way out to the truck for a part he noticed our front door knob was loose, so he tightened it!

    When we go to replace the washer and dryer next year, that will be the first place we look.

    So in review, this month:  basement waste pump went out, toilet ran, dishwasher broke, kitchen sink faucet became hard to turn.....it's been an expensive month!

    And I haven't left yet!

    We had a planning session tonight.  I think we have everything in line for our trip, but stuff always happens.  I am just thankful I can go. Jackie is a saint for letting me escape.

    Now I have to go to bed and worry.  I mean, sleep.

Peace and Love

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