Thursday, June 15, 2023


 Yesterday went south fairly fast

    Jackie tsakes a medicine for her MS at about 3 in the afternoon

    Well, yesterday she could not find it.  She thought she had taken it, but she might have dropped it on the floor.

    I got down to look and found 2 partially consumed pills.

    I contacted Emily, and she said she did not  think it would be an issue.

    Beth was fine went I went to my 5:30 meeting, but at 6 Julia called and said Beth was yelping and trying to bite her butt.  I went home immediately.

    Beth would be fine for 10 or 15 minutes, then begin to whirl around, whining and bitting at her butt.

    Emily came over to check Beth's anal glands, but did not find anything abnormal, while admitting she had no idea about anal glands on a cocker.  After another whirling session, we decided to take Beth to the vet.

    We have two choices for emergency vets....Rockford or Aurora.  I picked Aurora.

    My car was very low on gas.  I asked Julia if I could take hers,  that way I would not waste a lot of time getting gas.  Julia's was low on gas.

    So I took Emily's.

    We put Beth's kennel in the car, put her in the kennel and I left.

    When I got to the clinic, they told me there would be about as 2 hour wait.  So we sat down to wait, and within 40 minutes a tech came and did an intake on Beth.  I explained what happened as best I could.

    Before they could treat her, they needed to know about the drug.  So I called the ASPCA poison control line and gave them the information and got a case number.

    In retrospect, I should have done that hours earlier.

    At about 11 the vet came and talked to me.  He said some of the problems with the drug are it  causes erratic heartbeats and affects the gag reflex.  He said the best option would be to keep Beth overnight, monitor her vitals, and make sure she was not throwing up.  If her gag reflex was affected, she could choke on her own vomit.

    They brought her in for me to say goodnight, and I left there about 11:30.

    Julia was up first today and called, but they had to call back.  When they did, I talked to another vet and they said Beth did fine all night, her vitals were steady and she was ready to go.

    Jackie went with me to get her.  When they brought Beth out, she did not notice me.  But when she did, she came over and made a happy pee all over the floor!  It must have been 10 gallons!  She was really happy!!

    We stopped at a McDonald's to get her  a plain hamburger, which she really enjoyed.

    She has been fine all day and can't get enough pets from us.

    We are happy she is home.  She is happy she is home.

    Jackie felt terrible about what happened, but it wasn't her fault.  However we are going to change how she handles the afternoon MS drug.

    I can't say enough about the folks at Aurora.  They were up front about what could happen and what they would do.  They were very helpful in explaining it all to me.

    So there.  

    All is well that ends well.

Peace and Love


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