Sunday, June 4, 2023

as ye reap

I had my first harvest today 

    I pulled about 2 tons of Canadian thistle from my one native garden plot.  Some of it was almost 3 feet high!  If I had done this two weeks ago, it might not have been so bad.  But I honestly forgot to do it!

    I wore shorts, which might not have been the best strategy for dealing with thistle.  I have one huge scratch and several itch spots on my legs.  I should know better.

    I just dug them out and threw them in a pile or four.  I don't know what to do with them, except bag them and take them to a friends for pick up.

    I sort of remember reading or being told that you can't dig up the have to Round Up  it up.  I hope not.  There was an awful lot of it and I hate using chemicals.

    When I go back, I will wear long pants.

    A funny thing happened.

    Jackie ordered some shirts for me for my birthday.  They were back ordered.

    I got one Saturday and opened it.  It is a reddish colored polo shirt.

    I said, Thank you.  This is just like the other one, only a different color.

    She looked at me and asked, "What other one?"

    The one you gave me a couple of days ago. It's a medium blue.

    "I did not give you another one.  I ordered one polo and one tee, the tee is still to come."

    I remember opening the package.  I remember looking at the size and color.  I remember taking it out of the plastic.

    But I have looked everywhere and there is no blue polo.  None.

    Sometimes my mind is a mystery.

Peace and Love

This is prairie smoke....the flowers have seeded and it looks like smoke.  Imagine hundreds of these in a field......

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