Monday, June 12, 2023


 Sometimes it is the little things that frustrate me

    Sometimes?  Hell, all the time.

    For instance.  When you buy some clothes and there are tnose little plastic thingies that they put tags on.  One end has the tag and the other end, the T shaped end, is cleverly hidden in a seam or two, making it all but impossible to get it out.  So you end up wearing the item of clothing, all the time feeling an uncontrollable scratching that no matter how hard you look you can't find the source of.

    Or food containers with the plastic lining across the top.  Yes, there is a pull tab function but it always seems to come off.  That's why I use a knife to open them, cursing all the time.

    Cotton jammed into the neck of medicene bottles.  I can never get it out without finding a tweezers or paperclip that can be bent like a fishhook.

    Yogurt cups.  Whenever I open a Yoplait yogurt it splashes onto my shirt. Every time.

    Hoses.  No matter how many washers I try, they still drip.

    Voice recognition.  When we try to watch Newhart on Prime TV, we always end up with New Heart on Apple Music.  When I spell N E W H A R T it often comes out N B A H E A T.  Sometimes N  E W T H E A R T    and sometimes some word I can't even pronounce.  For on demand streaming, it is a long process for something that should be simple.

    And don't get me started on auto correct when sending text messages.

    I was so frustrated by life in general, I could not even sleep during my nap time and wasted     ANOTHER  day.

    I need to get my butt in gear.  Tomorrow.  Tomorrow. It's only a day a way.

Peace and Love

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