Sunday, June 11, 2023

Ho hum

This was a wasted day 

    Cold, wet, dreary.  I could not even take my usual nap on the was too cold, even with a blanket, a sweatshirt and a hot cup of tea!

    So I moved inside and fell asleep watching the Cub game.  I did not miss much, except the Giants scoring a bunch of runs.

    I did go up to a plant place, but my order was not there.  That was sort of good, otherwise I would have tried to plant stuff today and it was miserable.

    Meanwhile, dog Beth tried to unplant some of my zing roses.  I stopped her and cleaned off her feet.  But I must not have done a very good job because there are dog prints around the house.

    Quandary:  Leave then for the cleaning lady on Thursday, living with the prints.  Or, clean it up tomorrow.  

    That's my life.

Peace and Love

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