Tuesday, June 6, 2023


 Jackie and I got pedicures today

    I love how my  feet and legs feel afterward.

    I love when they massage my legs, telling me to relax.  And today, I did.

    This was actually a pretty busy day, again.

    I  was up at 5 to take out my carpet.  The G-men won't take it if it is wet, and my fear was  if I put it out last night it would rain.  So, to be sure I did not miss them, I was up at 5.  

    I did go back to bed and Beth let me sleep until 8, which is unusual because she always gets up when Julia gets her before 7.  

    Instead of taking a shower when I normally do, I ate breakfast and got Jackie ready.  Then I went into the garage and swept one third of it.  I did a good job, too. It looks a lot better.

    Next I dug some plants up in the garden.  I don't think they are natives, so I dug up one.  It has a very shallow root system, which isn't common with natives.  Natives generally have a deeper root system to withstand the variant weather conditions.

     I dug up a couple, cleaned out my garage compost bucket, watered some plants, crushed aluminum cans, and then took a shower.

    After I fixed Jackie's lunch, I told her I was going to take a nap at 2.  Our nail appointment was 4:45. so I had plenty of time for a nap.

    Funny thing was, I had to cover with a blanket!  It was drizzling and the wind was strong and I got chilled.

    So I was in my porch recliner, covered from head to toe with a blanket, and slept for almost an hour.

    It felt good.

    And we got to our nail appointment at 4:46, one minute late but close enough.

    Sadly, our last task of the day was visitation for a former neighbor who went to school with Julia.  He was a nice guy.

    And Julia made it home from Omaha almost the same time we got home.  Beth was glad to see her.

    That's my story.

Peace and Love

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