Saturday, June 3, 2023

Some like it hot

 I am not talking about the movie

    Although it was a funny movie.  I don't expect you can watch it in Florida or a couple of other states because it involves guys dressing as girls.  Shameful.  It's a wonder the world didn't explode when it was released.  We need to protect our young people from that sort of harm, just don't take away assault style weapons.

    Anyway, I digress.

    I don't know from what though.

    I checked my stats tonight and was knocked on my butt!  One of my posts had over 400 views!!

    I was feeling pretty good about myself until I checked another source and it was just over 40 views.  So, I suspect the people keeping count hit the wrong button.  Or the AI thing did.  400 views.  That's a pipe dream for me.

    I always get amazed when I read about bloggers who have thousands of followers.  Of course, they have fascinating topics while I just talk about my humdrum life.

    Speaking of humdrum, outside of laundry and dishes, I hardly did anything today.  It was just too hot.  I did feel bad when the landscaper came by and put in my new tree and staked out one that was leaning.   I did not even know he was out there, sweating in the sun.  I think it was 90 when he was working.

    I did run sprinklers on my veggie garden and on the areas where new plants went in.

    I also solved the puzzle of my sprinkler on a pole not working.

    I bought two of these last summer. One has never worked.  I have done almost everything, but it the water just dribbles out, not creating the fine mist as described in the advert.

    Today I noticed there was a little slot in the sprinkler head. A slot that looked like you could stick a tiny screwdriver in and turn it.  So I did.

    Someone who had directions would have discovered this last year.  Unscrewing the little screw adjusts the spray.  

    So.....I have adjusted the spray.  It now works.

    I had a fifth greader come up to me one day and ask, "Mr. Dickow.  What's the difference between a burned out light bulb and a pregnant lady."

    I told him I did not know.

    He smiled this innocent smile and said, "You can unscrew the lightbulb."

    It was funny, but I had to tell him it was inappropriate.

Peace and Love

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