Wednesday, June 28, 2023


 Today we went to the birthplace

    Where it all began.  Well, almost where it all began .

    The Casbah Club was first, but the the Beatles were not popular then.

    But then the started played at Cavern Club following their German experiences in Hamburg.

    I hope I am getting this straight.....I am a little tired again tonight,.

    Anyway, they started playing at the Cavern Club and eventually performed almost 300  times there.  That is when Beatle Mania hit.

    So, the Cavern Club ism considered by many to be the birthplace of the Beatles.

    I have read about the Cavern Club and the electric atmosphere playing in a small room on a small stage created.  So it was on my list of  Beatles places to visit.

    Today.  We. Went.

    OMG, it was freaking awesome!

    The original Cavern Club was torn down in the 70s.  My understanidng is that by that time, Beatles fans were swarming Matthew Street looking for the club.  So, it was re built,.

    I went down about 40 steps to the club, and a solo performer was playing on stage.  Dan and Linda eventually made it down and it was good they didn't come right away because there were no seats.

    I did grab a stool for Dan, and eventually a lovely young couple gathered their things to go and we swooped in on their table.

    My gosh, it was fun!

   The place was loud, busy, and just had. great vibe.

    A couple of times I went out and danced with total strangers!  When Sherie and Kathy came, we all went out to dance.  Then I danced some more.  And more.  And more.

    I was a dancing fool.

    We never had so much fun.

    There may even be a Tic Toc or You Tube video of me and my new partner.....a lot of cameras were going,

    Anyway we also took  the ferry cross the Mersey, had lunch at a neat pub, toured the Beatles museum and a lot of other stuff.

    It was a great last day in Jolly Old England!

Peace an d Love

Yes, even Queen played here!


Dan and me I in front of some guys

I must have waited 10 minutes!

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