Wednesday, June 7, 2023

pins and needles

 I had a blood test today

    I don't like blood tests.  I don't like needles.  I don't like seeing blood. 

    Earlier in life they would have to lay me down to take blood becauseI fainted a couple of times.

    I have gotten better, but I always tell the vampire that I don't like needles, blood, being here, and I am a big baby.

    That said, the blood draw went well. 

    The person distracted me with small talk and it worked.  

    I was offended when they said, "This will be just a little prick."  I did not know if they were talking about me, the poke, or a personal appendage.

    Turns out it was the poke, which was painless.

    Jackie had a doctor appointment in DeKalb, so we killed 2 birds with one stone.

    I had contacted friend Barb about meeting at Ollie's to have some dessert and catch up, but Jackie's appointment was at 11:30 and Ollie's does not open until 1.  So we had to pass on that.  We did meet a couple of times last year and it was great just visiting.

    I did a short bike ride today.  I just rode around the subdivision twice, which is about 4 miles, depending on if I go on Skare Road or not.  I did not because it was dusk and I did nto want to get hammered by a motorist who was speeding, texting, drinking, or just plain inattentive.

    I realized how much I missed doing longer rides.  But the problem is, if Jackie needs me I have to be available.  Julia can't do the lifting, and Emily works.

    If I rode the bike path in town,  I would need to find someone to come in for a couple of hours but for riding any of the long trials, I would have to find care for 6-8 hours.  That becomes expensive.

    I am just lucky I  was able  to do those longer rides years ago. They were always tiring but fun.

    Oh goes on.

Peace and Love 

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