Thursday, June 29, 2023

Yo de ley di hoo

 We all made it to Switzerland safely

    No one got lost. No one lost a passport or a boarding pass.  No luggage was lost.

    It was a pretty uneventful day.

    We went to dinner at a Thai restaurant in Vevey.   That was suggested because it is down the street from a laundromat.

    Take a guess how much it cost to do a load of laundry.

    I''ll give you time to contemplate that.

    What was neat was to see how Julia and her friends was like she had never left!  They were all so glad to see here and told her she was missed.  I know she feels the same way about them.

    Julia was the social organizer.  Ski trips, meals out, fondue sessions, parties......Julia was the main person to arrange these.

    Wrapping up the day.  We took a private car to Manchester, boarded a plane to Geneva, picked up a rental car and loaded Matt's car and made our way to Vevey.

    Originally we were supposed to stay one more night in Liverpool,  but we changed plans.  Unfortunately the hotel we have for the next several nights did not have 4 rooms for tonight, so we are kind of split up.  Dan, Linda and I are in a hotel by the train station while Julia, Sherie and Cathy are up the mountain in a different hotel.

    But it is all good,.

    Now, I need to catch up on some reading.

    And the cost to do laundry?

    About 17 francs a load....nearly $20!!!!

    Holy cow......that's a couple of Starbucks!

    And at 10 p.m. we found out  the laundromat closes at 10 p.m., so we were in a rush to fold clothes in the dark because we could not see how to turn on the lights.  The sign on the door says the door closes automatically at 10, but that is hard to do with someone holding it open.

    Now it is thundering......supposed to rain all day tomorrow.  We'll bow that turns out!

Peace and Lo ve

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