Sunday, June 25, 2023

Sleety time

I am pretty tired tonight

    I visited the Tower Bridge today,  This is a pretty famous bridge and a landmark in London.

    I have a zillion pictures of the. bridge, but can't show you any because I took them on my big camera and don't have a cord to connect  to my PC.  Yes, that was  poor planning on my part.  I do believe the cord is on my desk at home, which does me no good.

    The good news is I did not lose anything today.  I still have my passport, charge cards, room key and Oyster card,

    The strange news is I still have most of the 100 pounds I took out when we arrived.  

    Why?  Almost every store is cashless!

    Buy a water at a kiosk?  Cashless.  Dinner?  Cashless.  Taxi?  Well they take money over a cc.  Starbucks also takes money, but most places are cashless.

    While I gave bought a lot, I have not spent much cash.

    We got here Friday and as of Sunday night we have:

        Toured Kensington Palace

        Watched a baseball game

        Taken the Tea Bus around London

        Toured the Tower of London

       Visited Prince Albert's amazing statue

        Lost and recovered my passport

        Walked 189,756 steps

        Cramped multiple times

        Climbed to the top of Tower Bridge

        Had fun times visiting with Julia's friends

        Had a great time visiting with my nephew and his family

    Not bad for two days

Peace and Love

And pictures from my phone.....which does have a cord, thanks to Julia

Kensington Palace had an exhibition  on clothing.  
  These were examples of hoop skirts in the early days.  By the way, it was hot.  The guide taking tickets suggested we buy water from the cafe and take it with us.  I went to buy water only to be told they had none.  They went through 40 cases if water today due to the heat!

Yes, that is me on the walkway at the top of Tower Bridge.  about 250 steps up......watching the traffic below

And for some reason, I can't seem to load any  more pictures.  Maybe I am too tired to figure it out tonight

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