Saturday, June 10, 2023


Ok, I am confused about dishes 

    Until yesterday, I just stuck them in the dishwasher and only dealt with items that don't do well in the washer.

    But now, I have dishes. I do them after every meal,  twice a day, or when we run out of clean dishes?

    Should I let dog Beth lick them as a way to pre clean?

    What is the history of rinsing dishes?  Seems when I watch old movies or shows set in the early part of the 1900s people wash them and just dry them.  Is rinsing necessary?

    What is the ecological consequence of using paper plates?  Yes, we are using paper, but we are not using water.  

    Why are some people so reluctant to eat with their fingers?  Yes, it gets tricky with peas and carrots, but it can be done.  I do have to remember to let the food cool though, it makes it hard to type if I don't.

    Nothing fell apart today.  I think that is a positive sign.  

    I noticed my beans were not all coming up, so I replanted in spots that were blank.  Hopefully they will be ready to pick after I get home and not before.

    Julia helped me drive  a board into the ground.  She held the 2 x 6 while I pounded with a sledge hammer.  

    I discovered a couple of things.  I can't hammer with a sledge hammer.  I am too weak.

    Also, the ground is like rock.  I should have soaked the area.  I gave up after 8,437 bangs with the hammer.  I am hoping we get some rain, enough to soften the ground so I can drive that sucker in farther.

    I notched the end in a V shape thinking that would  make it go in easier, but so far that is not the case.

    I have a confession.  I don't like to do stuff between the hours of 2 and 4.  I like to sit and read, or nap, and have a coffee or tea.  I love sitting on the porch in my recliner.

    That is the main reason I haven't gotten all my chores done.  I suppose I should regret it, but I don't.

    There is always tomorrow.

Peace and Love


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