Friday, June 16, 2023

it's time

 I have heard things happen in  in threes

    I am beginning to believe that.

    Recently we have had a basement pump go bad, a dishwasher break, a sink repair, a dog hospitalization and a toilet repair.

    I know, that's 5.  So....what will 6 be to make it a second set of 3?

    The master bath toilet began running last night...and running. ... and running.

    And I don' mean put on your gym shoes and run running.  

    I lifted the lid and saw the little gizmo the is normally attached got the bigger thing a ma jig was broken off.  The toilet would be fine when I put the broken off piece back in place.  But that is not an ideal solution when one is about to flee the country.  I mean, leave on vacation.

    So, for the 4th time in a month a plumber came.

    It took about 3 minutes to make the repair.  He pulled out a cylinder put a new cylinder in, attached a new gizmo and I works fine.

    I think I can do that on my own next time.  And there will be a next time.

    Everything in the house is about the same age, except for the televisions.  Plumbing, electrical, appliances....all are at the point where they could go at any time.

    Already our dryer sensor is kaput.  Our dishwasher is being replaced next week.  The washer and fridge can't be far behind right?


    I had 2errands to run today.  But I was tired.  I told Jackie I would go after I took a 30 minute nap in my chair.

    When I sat down it was 3-2 Cubs, when I woke up it was 10-2.  I guess I was tired.  I only completed one errand.

    Now I hope I can sleep.

Peace and Love

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