Sunday, June 18, 2023

Oh happy day

 This was a pretty good day

    Funny thing.  I slept until 10!!!  Then I  took a nap at about 3, after the Cubs lost.

    Now I am wide awake.

    Yesterday Emily picked up a cherry coffee cake from River Walk Bakery in McHenry.  I used to stop there when my mother was alive, but it has been a while.  The coffee cake was just as good as I remember.......lots of cherry filling, lots of topping, and delicious.

    That was lunch.  By the time I got Jackie up and ready for the day, it was almost noon.

    This afternoon Julia and Emily gave me my father's day gifts...pictured below.  That was really neat.  I also got a new t-shirt to wear in London.

    We had brats for supper to top off a really nice day.  Of course, any day my girls are here for supper is great!

    Hope your day was  wonderful  also.

Peace and Love

One of my presents....great for the garden

They know I like Dickens.....note the date.  It is older than me!!

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