Tuesday, June 27, 2023


 We took a couple of Beatles tours today

    We started with a Magical Mystery Tour sponsored by the Cavern Club.  That was the place where the Beatles performed the most and honed their skills.

    Actually, the original Cavern Club was torn down as part of an urban renewal project in the 70s or 80s.  But so many fans were coming to Liverpool to look for it, the club was rebuilt in a new location just feet away from the old.

    Many of the bricks salvaged from the old building were used in construction of parts of the new club, especially the arches.

    Later in the day we took a  National Trust tour of the actual homes of John and Paul.    We were able to walk in the houses, look at period furniture that they used,  and get a sense of their lives.

    They were teenagers when they met.  After getting together, they invited 14 year old George to join them, meeting at John's house to practice.

    John was living with an aunt at the time because his mother died and his dad left.  The aunt would tell him something to the effect of."Messing with the guitar may be fun, but you'll never earn any money from it."

    History would prove e her wrong.  In fact, he had a plaque made with that saying and she proudly displayed it in her new house the rest of her life.,

     We  were on the tours because we all love the Beatles.  It was a fun time,

    Tonight we went down to Matthew Street,, where the Cavern Club is located.  It is alive with music at night.  We did not go into the Cavern Club tonight, but will tomorrow..

    I still have not bought a cord to link the camera to the computer.....so it is hard for me to post pictures.  But I do have a few for tonight.

Peace and Love

John's House

George's House

Paul's House

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