Saturday, June 24, 2023

Karna karma karma chameleon

 I am a firm believer in karma

    Waiting for boarding our flight in Chicago, I found a phone and returned it to a flight attendant.

    While looking for something I may have dropped in the London Underground, I found a wallet and turned it in to the security people at the tube station.

    Today at the Tower of London I helped a little boy struggling to pull a baby stroller up some stairs.

    Karma.  It came in handy.

    I lost my passport.

    Wasn't in the taxi that picked us up from the airport.  

    Wasn't in the bus that took us on an afternoon tea around London.

    Not in my pants.  Not in my bag.  Not in my room.

    I checked where I had been.  Not at Starbucks, not turned  into the Tower of London folks, not at the underground station where I bought a train pass.  While looking for the passport, I found the wallet.

    Not found on the train we took to Victoria Station.

    I was mad at myself.  And depressed.  How do I replace a lost passport?

    Several calls were attempted to government offices, but the best we could do was to schedule an appointment with embassy staff inn Scotland for July 6.

    I was not eating.  I was not sleeping well.  I was worried.

    I was no fun to be around.

    We went to the Cubs game.  13 of us.  Its was a 6 p.m. start and by that time I had eaten a croissant and had a coffee.  I bought some chicken fingers at the game....but wasn't really hungry.

    About the second inning Julia got up and left.  I figured she was going to the bathroom.  Then she came back and got her wallet.  I figured she was buying something.

    When she returned she said something and......GAVE ME MY PASSPORT!

    What the hell??????

    So.....a nice person named Nick found it under a bench by Tower of London.  I remember sitting there and taking some pictures. My passport was in my front pocket....with my phone, which I used for the pictures.

    They found it the morning and picked it up to prevent someone from misusing it.

    Through my blog and Facebook, they were able to contact Jackie. 

    Now, I have had a couple , maybe more than a couple, of margaritas before writing this.  So this may not be accurate.

    Jackie got the message about the lost passport and contacted Julia, giving her the number of the person who called.

    During the second inning of the game, Julia called them.  When they answered, the person apologized for the noise because he said they were at a stadium and it was loud.

    Julia asked them if they were at the ball game.

    They said yes.  Julia said she was at the ball game!

    They had the passport with them, agreed to meet Julia in the concourse and returned the passport.  Julia bought them a couple of beers in appreciation.

        Julia came back to her seat, said something, and handed me my passport!

        was shocked!  I almost cried tears of happiness.

        I stood up in the stands, turn ed around and screamed "They found my passport!  Now I can go home!"

    The people around me may have thought me nuts, but they applauded.

    Suddenly, my appetite came back.  My headache disappeared.  My shoulders became much more relaxed. And I wanted a beer.

    I waiting an inning or two, still stunned, and went off to get a burger and a beer.

    When I went to the beer stand to order, I could not find my debit card.


    I tried to find lost and found, but couldn't.  Ironic, eh?

    So I sat down outside the stadium and emptied everything out of my wallet and passport case.  Still no debit card.  I stuck my fingers deep into a pocket and voila! There it was!!!  I didn't lose it after all.

    When I got back to my seat I had 12 baby sitters.  Every few minutes someone would ask if I still had my debit card and may passport.

    At the end of the game Megan, Mike and Ben and Michael joined us and they too kept track of my stuff.

    We had a group of 17 when we were done with the game.  We came back to the hotel and had some drinks, which is why some of this might not make sense.  Plus it seems to bed 2 a.m. here, which kind of surprises me.

        Anyhow....Karma rules!  I did nice things and nice things happened to me.

        Passport back.

        Cubs win.

        Spending time with great people.

        A truly happy day,

Peace and Love

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