Tuesday, June 13, 2023

busy, busy, busy

A lot got done today

    Garden around house weeded, windows and screens washed inside and out, curtains washed and rehung, hoses finally sorted and put away, Beth's nails trimmed...no wonder I am tired!

    Granted, SK did the weeding and Matt the window guy washed the windows.  Emily did do Beth's nails,   but I hung the curtains.  And I finally got the hoses all sorted out.

    Of course I put the den curtains in Julia's room and hung the curtains in our bedroom upside down, and I lost one of the end caps for the curtains in Julia's room but in spite of all of that, it is done!

    I have looked all over for the end cap but can't find it.  I know it is here somewhere, but the question is where.

    I also took a load of clothes and shoes to a resale shop, only to learn donations are taken Wednesday through Friday.  I guess I go back tomorrow.  I don't think the end cap was in that bag, but I better look.

    But seriously, today was not a good day. 

    A man from our church died yesterday.  He was a good guy, helpful, intelligent, funny, thoughtful.  He was always willing to help someone out.  The news shocked me, because he was younger than me and hiked and walked a lot.  I did not imagine him in bad health.

    Life is short.  Too short to hold on to grudges, too short to hate, too short to not stop and smell the roses.  Too short to not buy that ticket.  Too short to not have coffee with that friend.

    It 's just too short.

Peace and Love

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