Monday, June 5, 2023

I am wicked

 I just can't get that rest I want

    Julia is gone for a few days.  She had to go in to work.  In Omaha.

    Julia lets Beth out of her kennel at around 6:30.  Jackie and I sleep until 8:30 or later.

    Well, at 6:30 this morning a certain dog was barking!  I took her out, then went back to bed. She climbed in with us.  But at 8 Jackie had to get up.  I was tired.

    We went through the morning and Jackie and I sat on the porch for a while just after noon.  I fell asleep for about 15 minutes.

    I figured that was good, but not enough.

    So while Jackie was eating lunch and watching her soap, I went back on the porch.

    After about 10 minutes, I heard a clunk and opened my eyes and there was a stranger standing on the porch!  He had a blue shirt on, and at first I thought it was a mail man.

    But he wasn't. 

    He was going door to door for a pest control business.

    I told him I was not interested but he kept asking questions.  How long have you had your current pest control?  Would you like a price quote? Can we do an estimate?  I kept saying I was not interested.

    Finally he asked, "What can you tell me about your neighbors?"

    I said, "I won't give out any information about people in this neighborhood." 

    He asked about names and I said.  "Nope.  Nothing.  And I think we are done talking."

    The neat thing was he rode a battery operated device.  It had one wheel, with footpads on both sides.  Like a Segway, but I don't remember a handle.  He left and whipped over to the next house.

   Sat down.  10 minutes later, Ken the mailman came and we talked.

    Then Beth wanted out.

    Then Beth wanted in.

    So I gave up.

    I did manage to weed the veggie garden today.  I should have done more.

    The excitement of the day happened when I was sipping a glass of red on the patio after supper. 

    An ATV was going down Skare Road.  It was not going fast, the driver was not doing anything stupid, but all of a sudden it flipped!

    I yelled at them, asking if everybody was ok.  They said yes.

    But I still got in my car and went to check.

    One boy was holding his shoulder.  He thought it was dislocated.  They had called one of the dads and were just waiting for him.  

    I don't like ATVs.  Too many people get hurt on them.

    Like I said, these kids were just going along....I don't think they even knew what happened.

    Anyway, that's all.

Peace and Love

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