Sunday, February 26, 2023

hint of spring

 This was a pretty good day

    Sunny, nice temperatures, dog doing business outside, cold subsiding, knee not hurting.  All in all a good day.

    Plus, Julia made buttered chicken and Emily came and had dinner with us.  It was nice having the 4 of us sitting around a table and talking.  We don't do that often enough.

    Plus two: friend Sam came over and took our order for Butter Braids for her dance group.  Jackie and I fell in love with Butter Braids several years ago and I still love them.  I do wish they still offered a cherry one, but raspberry was good and so was apple.

    If you don't know, Butter Braids are frozen coffee cakes.  You take them out the night before, let them sit over night, then bake them for 20 minutes or so the next day.  The coffee cake comes out light and flaky.  I was a little surprised at how much they cost now as compared to when we first bought them, but they are good.  And we don't buy them often, so I figured we could splurge.

    Tomorrow should be a walk day for me.  I did not go last Wednesday because of the weather, but went Thursday.  I was not feeling well Friday so I have not walked since last Thursday.  I hope to go tomorrow, but if I don't feel much improved, I won't.

    Right now I am sipping a decaf black tea with a little lemon and some honey mixed in.  It soothes my throat, which is sore from my blowing my nose.  Go figure.

    Last night when I took Dog Beth out the coyotes were really howling and yipping.  It seemed as if they were right across the road in the park.  I heard them perfectly and did not have my hearing aids in, and it unnerved me a little.  

    Beth seemed to want to go join them.  She kept heading in that direction, and I had to pull her leash back toward me several times.

    I just don't think she would be a good companion for the wild ones.

Peace and Love

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