Saturday, February 4, 2023

From the Heart

 We went to our town's big fundraiser tonight

    This was the 15th and biggest From the Heart!  The parking lot was full, and I ended up parking a long walk from the restaurant.  Emily got there after us and parked even farther away.

    Over 300 people attended.  There was dinner, a silent auction, regular auction, and several games to play for a chance to win a great prize.

    I played a couple of games.....but no prize.

    I also "worked" at a couple of games, which was also fun.

    In the past there were always items I found at the silent auction.  But this year, nothing appealed to me.  Yes, some of the packets were pretty neat, like the Chicago underground donut tour, or tickets to events  in DeKalb, and performances in Dixon.  

    At one  time I would have bid on those, but I think those times have expired.

    I need slower, low key napping in a sleep pod, or massages. 

    What I like about going is seeing people I have not seen in a while.  A couple of former students, business owners, city was  nice to to just look around and recognize people.

    Dinner was pork loin or prime rib, or both.  I opted for the prime rib for Jackie and for me, which was a mistake.  The cuts were huge!  I actually went and found a to go dish because Jackie hardly ate any of hers and I did not want it to go to waste.

    All in all it was a fun evening. events on back to back nights......we are gonna need to rest tomorrow!

Peace and Love

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