Sunday, February 19, 2023

Day 1...or is it 2?

 We made it through the night and day

    Dog Beth seems to have settled in nicely.  She goes to the door when she has to go out, and that is after pacing around the house.

    We went out a few times today and she did all her business outside.  No drops or accidents in the house.

    We put her in a kennel at night and she did not make a sound until around 8 this morning.  Then she started whining, so I got up, put some pants on, grabbed the leash and took her outside.  She looked relieved.

    She loves getting pets, especially belly rubs.  She sits on the floor by Jackie and sometimes puts her paws up on Jackie's legs so she can get pets.  Beth also learned to get on the couch, not sure that is a good thing with all her black hair.

    We were walking around the front yard and a man walked down the street.  She stared at him, but did not bark or growl.  In fact, we have not heard her bark yet.

    I get down on the floor wnd play with her a couple of times a day, but getting up is a problem for me.  I am not as young as I used to be, but at the same time, I will never be any younger than I am today.

    We gave her a shower yesterday, but she still smells.  I'm calling the groomer tomorrow.

    That has been our main focus today.  I did let Emily's dogs out while she was at work, but that was about it.

    I am so tired.  I have a hard time falling asleep and staying asleep.  I did not get a nap in today, and I have not had any coffee today, although I did have tea around 4.  I hope Earl Gray is kind to me tonight.

    And I don't have any desire to do ANYTHING!  My list of to dos is not getting any smaller.

    Looking ahead, I read there was a storm moving in that will provide either a lot of rain or a lot of snow Thursday or Friday this week.  That is not good.  If it does happen, that will be her reminder to us that it is not nice to fool around with Mother Nature.

    Here's hoping you have good sleep tonight.

Peace and Love

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