Tuesday, February 7, 2023

noises in the night

 Noises, not music, as in Phantom

    And it was not exactly night, more like evening.

    We heard something fall.  Jackie asked what it was.  I said could be anything.

    Well, went into the den and found the neat stack of papers I had arranged on the edge of the desk was now spread out all over the floor.

    Answer found.  (Inside my head I  was betting on it being something in the pantry that had finally discovered gravity.)

    I was attempting to straighten my desk area, but that seems to have taken a wrong turn.

    Speaking of wrong turns, my e-mail is driving me nuts.

    Let's say I open it.  There are 4 or 5 messages.  I click on a message, read it, then move to the next message......and it will not open.  I have to exit the program, open it again, and then the message will appear.

    It is not a consistent behavior.  Some days it works fine, but the times it does not work are terribly frustrting.

    Now I wonder if I should have ignored all those messages telling me my account will be suspended.  Maybe they were not kidding!

    Tomorrow is a weigh in day for me.  I weigh myself every Wednesday to see if I am making any progress on weight loss.  I tell you, I am starving right now.  I have not had my usual 4 cookies and potato chips while I do my blog.  Instead, I had an orange....which I hope is a healthy alternative.

    I was a bit over 202 a few weeks ago.  I don't expect to lose a lot at one time, I would be happy with a pound a week.  Or even one every 2 weeks.  I hope by exercising and cutting back on the junk food that I inhale will make a difference.

    Otherwise, I will change my name to Goodyear.

Peace and Love

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