Thursday, February 23, 2023


 Our weather was not that bad

    The Rochelle area seems to be in a safe zone.  

    People north of us lost power, but our house was fine.  People in town lost power, but our house was fine.

    You know why?

    We had a generator installed.

    That means we will never lose power.  Not only will we not lose power, but non of our neighbors will either.

    It's an unwritten law.  Like insurance.  You can have homeowners insurance for 30 years and nothing happens, but the first day it lapses....BAM!!!!  Your house is hit by a 2 ton blob of flying ice dropped from a passing jet.  And you are not covered, at least by insurance.

    So our generator guarantees  that the power will never go out in our can all thank me later.

    We had an Exit 99 meeting tonight.  Not only was it great to get together and go over comments on the last show, but Beth got to meet Beth!  I should have taken a picture, but I did not think of it until after everybody left.

    Dog Beth got along will with everyone, but she did leave a little wet spot as a reminder to pay attention to her "I want to go out" movements.

    I did take her out when everyone left.  Dog Beth did nothing.  It was cold. Windy.  I was freezing.  She just went out and wanted to come back inside.  She is no fool.

    I took her out an hour later and she immediately peed twice, then went to the door.  I was about frozen by then.

    Which brings me to what I am doing now.  I am having a rather strong hot toddy.  For me that is water, bourbon, a little sugar, and some lemon juice.  I think I am getting a cold.  My nose is stuffed.  And runny.  How it can be both is a mystery.

    Anyway, hopefully this will put me to sleep and I will have a deep sleep, like I had last night.


Peace and Love

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