Sunday, February 12, 2023

Super Sunday

That was quite a game! 

    If you recall, I did predict the Chiefs by 3.  All those who placed bets on my prediction, you are welcome.

    I tried to pay attention to the ads, but to be honest, some of them just confused the hell out of me.  I had no idea what they were trying to sell.

    I did like the Jesus message about love thy neighbor, the T Mobile (?) commercial with the guys from Psych doing a Grease themed commercial; the Amazon one with the lonely dog....when they brought a crate in I thought they were going to crate the dog wheile they were gone, or even give it away.   And the Run With It commercial with the entire world trying to catch the girl with the flag football markers.  Of course, Steve Martin in the Pepsi commercial and there was one more with a famous actor and his mother, but she kept messing up her lines.

    But I increasingly asked Jackie:  Who was that? 

    I don't remember names.  I am not into pop culture.  I haven't seen many movies lately, so I am just not up on stars.  She even had to tell me it was Ben and Jennifer in the Dunkin Donuts commercial!  The most famous couple in America and I had no idea who they were.

    I don't know if I am embarassed or proud of that.

    We had bbq ribs from Headon's and a couple of sides, which made for an easy supper.  Emily joined us, so it was a real family day.

    I am currently reading 3 different books.  Two of the books don't really have a story line they are short 2-3 page pieces.  My neice sent me another to read.

    It is on Graceland Cemetery in Chicago.  The books tells about the history of the place, who is buried there, and points out famous graves and crypts.

    I grew up near Graceland and she thought the book would interest me.  After I read it I need to give it back to her to read and then we plan to meet in Chicago and explore the cemetery.

    We do have relatives buried there, so we will stop in the office to see if they can tell us the exact location.  

    I think it will be a neat experience.

    And while I loved the dancing and flying platforms of the halftime show...I just wish they would do one show that doesn't involve grabbing crotches and pelvic thrusts.  Just saying.

Peade and Love Thy Neighbor


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