Tuesday, February 14, 2023

sno gone?

 Weather forecasters have it easy

    No matter how often they are wrong, we still listen to them.  We like it when they are right, but we notice more when the are wrong.

    I know, it is hard to predict an unpredictable force.

    Now, for instance.  

    I have seen forecasts that predict a dusting of snow, no snow, or several inches of snow.

    I guess I could also make that forecast.

    Tonight it's going to be:  dark.  Actually that was George Carlin's  Hippy Dippy Weatherman's forecast.  

    In a sense, any snow we get now is Jackie's fault.

    When we put out Christmas stuff, we put out a lot of snowmen and snowmen like decorations.  They are not so much Christmas as winter.

    She wanted them put away two days ago, so I did.  No snowmen or snow related stuff is out, except for the snowshovel on the front porch.  (I never used it.)

    If we had left it all out until winter ended, we would not have had any possibility of snow.  So, blame her.

    I do take heart that spring training starts tomorrow.  I predict the Cubs will finish in second place in their division.  Cardinals will be first, Milwaukee third, Pittsburgh fourth and Cincinnati last.  

    None of the Central Division teams will advance in the playoffs.

    Now, I will put away my crystal ball and finish my nightly glasses of red.

Peace and Love

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