Friday, February 17, 2023


I had a great time tonight 

    We did an Exit 99 show, and I thought it was pretty darn good.

    It has been a while since we performed last, and I sure hope we can do it again in a couple of months.

    Carrie, Beth, TC and I did a few new games, some of the old ones, and the audience seemed to have fun.  We did too.

    The day was a roller coaster of sorts.

    This morning we went to the funeral of a dear friend's mother, and although death is always sad, the woman lived a long, good life.  That was a reason to celebrate her life, and mourn her death.

    And of course, tonight after the show a woman came up and talked to me.  I did not recognize her, but her voice was familiar.  Turns out it was a long time friend, and I for the life of me don't know why I did not recognize her!  So Kelly, I apologize.  Next time I will know you.

    Now I need to try to get some rest....after I read the paper and play a couple of games.  I seem to be "up" a little right now.

    Peace and Love

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