Monday, February 6, 2023

wait, weight

I have to admit, I was embarrassed 

    I was in a picture printed in the local paper last week.  It was a check passing shot for the Rochelle Area Community Foundation.  They received a check from VFW Post 3878 and RACF members were encouraged to be on hand.

    Since this was the middle of a work day, I offered to go because I have the time, usually.

    Picture taken, check collected, picture goes in paper.... and I am embarrassed.

    Yes, my zipper was up and my shirt was not filled with spots.

    But my stomach was huge.  And I mean HUGE!!  If I was female, I would have been past my delivery date, for sure!

    (Funny story.  Saw an long time friend and said to her, "Oh!  Congratulations!  I did not know you were expecting."  Her cold stare told me I should not have said anything.  "I am not expecting.  This is weight I have not lost since the last one.  Thank you for noticing."  OOps!!)

    The picture has stiffened my resolve to walk.  I went three times last week and went today.  Last Friday I went to 1.3 miles, and I did that today.  Next week I  will tweak it to 1.6 and by March I should be at 2 miles.  

    Normally that would take me into biking season.  But I only rode 79 miles last year.

    This may sound crazy, but I am scared to get on my bike.


    If I ride on a road I could get hit by a car, and I ride on roads by my house.

    If I ride on the bike path I might fall and break a bone.  The sense of balance seems to fade as one ages.  Or I could have a heart mishap.  Or ...... 

    Why this fear?  It is not normal, or natural.  Yet, it is there.  It was there last summer, which could have been part of the low miles.

    I have a friend who had a heart issue and the doctor gave him a list of things not to do.  He was doing them anyway.  His wife was not happy.  

    I turned him onto a Jimmy Buffett somg which included the line, "I'd rather die while I'm living than live while I'm dead."

    I like the thought.  I like the philosophy.  

    I am just afraid to embrace it.

Peace and Love

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